Self Love Jar
Self Love Jar
Jars (plastic or glass)
Stickers, Scrapbook Paper, Things to Decorate the Jar With
Prompts to Answer
Decorate the jar with stickers, scrapbook paper, etc.
Cut card stock into strips to fit into the jar or stick slightly out of jar
Have girls answer the questions below on the strips of paper.
Put the strips into the jar.
They are to pull these strips out every week
and reflect on them as an act of self love.
What are 10 things you are really good at?
What are 5 physical features you love about yourself
What are 3 of your strongest qualities?
Write out 10 positive affirmations
What are 5 of your best personality traits
What do you love most about your life?
Write out 15 compliments you can give yourself
What are 5 things you have done that make you proud?
Describe yourself positively in 10 words