Science Day!!


July 2016: Science Day!




June Highlights:



    Chicktime June was one of the best workshops we have had in a while and definitely was one for the record books! The title for this month’s character building lesson was, “How I Look Is Not As Important As How I Act” and Harry the Otter helped us to understand that showing respect for those around us… no matter the situation or how we feel about that person… is the best way to show the best versions of ourselfs. We talked about the difference between internal and external traits and the kids put together a wonderful list of ways to be respectful. Ms. Kelley York-Massingill came to visit today and taught the kids about proper skin care and they LOVED it… even J (our only boy in the group right now) had a blast! He liked how soft his skin felt! All the kids got an awesome goodie bag from Ms. Kelley that included their very own skin care regimen so that they can begin taking steps toward having fresh and clean faces. The girls looked flawless in their new lip glosses as well! Next up, Ms. Precious Freeman and Mr. Biko stopped by for a visit. Mr. Biko took J outside for a manly game of basketball while us girls played the Assumption Game with Ms. Precious. Mr. Will Francis from Wiregrass 2-1-1 stopped by and brought the kids new toothbrushes from Sarrell Dental which are always a blessing! We topped the afternoon off by helping K celebrate her 13th birthday with yummy cake!


Thank you to everyone who came to Chicktime June and helped to make our workshop a success!

    Our workshop leader next month is Ms. Ashley and she is busy planning a science day for the kids with lots of experiments in the works! Our character building lesson will be, “When I am sad, I help myself feel better by thinking of things that are good in my life.” and we’ll be talking to the kids about trying to always find the GOOD in everything! Be watching your emails for your Chicktime July invitations… we would love to have YOU join us!