
Chicktime San Marcos Empowered’s 2020 Schedule:
January 19th
Workshop Leader: Jo ann
Activity: Keepsake boxes
Leader Co-Host: Lena
February 16th
Workshop Leader: Lena
Activity:Decorative Hearts
Leader Co-Host: Lolly
March 16thLollly
Workshop Leader: Jo ann
Activity: Spring
Leader Co-Host: Lena
April 20th
Workshop Leader:Lolly
Activity: Decorate Candy Jars
Leader Co-Host: Lena
May 18th
Workshop Leader: Lena
Activity: Jewelry Making
Leader Co-Host: Lena
June 15th
Workshop Leader: Build A Bear Assoc.
Activity: Build a Bear
Leader Co-Host:Lolly
July 20th
Workshop Leader: Jo Ann
Activity: Bingo
Leader Co-Host: Lena
August 17th
Workshop Leader: Rosie
Activity: Decorative Water Bottles
Leader Co-Host: Lolly
September 21st
Workshop Leader: Joann
Activity: Flower Making
Leader Co-Host: Joann
October 19th
Workshop Leader:Linda
Activity:ie Decorate hats
Leader Co-Host:Lolly
November 16th
Workshop Leader: Lena
Activity: Door hangars
Leader Co-Host:Joann
December 21st
Workshop Leader: Joann
Activity:Christmas Fun!
Leader Co-Host: Joan
Chicktime San Marcos Empowered’s 2019 Schedule:
January 19th
Workshop Leader: Jo ann
Activity: Keepsake boxes
Leader Co-Host: Lena
February 16th
Workshop Leader: Lena
Activity:Decorative Hearts
Leader Co-Host: Lolly
March 16thLollly
Workshop Leader: Jo ann
Activity: Spring
Leader Co-Host: Lena
April 20th
Workshop Leader:Lolly
Activity: Decorate Candy Jars
Leader Co-Host: Lena
May 18th
Workshop Leader: Lena
Activity: Jewelry Making
Leader Co-Host: Lena


June 15th
Workshop Leader: Build A Bear Assoc.
Activity: Build a Bear
Leader Co-Host:Lolly
July 20th
Workshop Leader: Jo Ann
Activity: Bingo
Leader Co-Host: Lena
August 17th
Workshop Leader: Rosie
Activity: Decorative Water Bottles
Leader Co-Host: Lolly
September 21st
Workshop Leader: Joann
Activity: Flower Making
Leader Co-Host: Joann
October 19th
Workshop Leader:Linda
Activity:ie Decorate hats
Leader Co-Host:Lolly
November 16th
Workshop Leader: Lena
Activity: Door hangars
Leader Co-Host:Joann
December 21st
Workshop Leader: Joann
Activity:Christmas Fun!
Leader Co-Host: Joann


Chicktime SM Empowered’s 2018 Workshop Schedule:


January 20th
Activity: Pizza Party and Necklace Making!
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons


February 17th
Activity: Valentines Cookie Swap
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons


March 17th
Activity: Trivia Day
Leader Co-Host: Lena Tolbert


April 21st
Activity: Tea Party
Leader Co-Host: Lena Tolbert


May 19th
Activity: Flower Arrangements
Leader Co-Host: Lena Tolbert


June 16th
Activity: Ice Cream Social
Leader Co-Host: Lolly Caballero


July 21st
No meeting this month~


August 18th
No meeting this month~


September 15th
Activity: Decorating Hats
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann


October 20th
Activity: Decorating Jars
Leader Co-Host: Lena Tolbert


November 17th
Activity: Veteran’s Day Celebration
Leader Co-Host: Ms. Lolly


December 15th
Activity: Christmas Party
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons


Chicktime SM Empowered’s 2017 Workshop Schedule:


August 19th
Workshop Leader: Jo Ann Parsons
Activity: Prayer Breakfast & Gospel Hour
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons


September 16th
Workshop Leader: Jo Ann Parsons
Activity: Fall Door Decor
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons


October 21st
Workshop Leader: Lena Tolbert
Activity: Wurstfest Celebration
Leader Co-Host: Lena Tolbert


November 18th
Workshop Leader: Jo Ann Parsons
Activity: Old Fashion Tea Party
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons


December 16th
Workshop Leader: Jo Ann Parsons
Activity: Riverwalk Boat Ride
Leader Co-Host: Jo Ann Parsons

If you would like to lead a future workshop, contact smempowered@chicktime.com today!