San Antonio Launches Search for New Chapter Leadership

Please join us in spreading the word that the city of San Antonio needs a new Chicktime Chapter to serve Providence Place. Please check out this video to learn more about Providence Place and click ‘start a chapter’ in the left column to learn how to get started.




Providence Place Website


A little history:


We were contacted by a lovely representative from Providence Place with an invitation to come to their campus and facilitate activities with them, this is her letter to Chicktime:


 I am writing to you today about Providence Place. We are a faith based adoption agency in San Antonio but we work throughout the state of Texas. We have a 25 acre campus on Whitby Road and we also have several other programs that we work with and house on our campus such as a women’s rehabilitation program for substance abuse, we work with young adults with disabilities, and we have partnerships with several local organizations.

   I’m writing to you because I have interacted with your organization when I was working at New Life Children’s Treatment Center in Canyon Lake. Your ladies, though I do not know if it was this chapter, came and made my teenage girls feel special. Your ladies did different activities, cooking, make overs, painting, movie days etc. with them on a monthly basis. The difference you made in their lives I got to see firsthand. It was so much fun and you made such a difference. You gave my girls who couldn’t leave campus and had felt worthless for so long feel beautiful and important.

   In my department we work with women who are making the most selfless loving  decision to place their child for adoption so they can have a better life. Most of our ladies are in crisis situations and live here on campus with us or in apartments we provide for them. We have monthly support groups for them. At these we provide different activities for them to boost their self-esteem and surround them with love and support. I am wondering if Chicktime works with women or if your organization only works with ladies under 18?  Our ladies range in age from 16-35.  We have a small number of expectant mothers we range in number from 5-10 mothers at a time.  I am hoping that Chicktime might consider taking Providence Place under it’s wings and coming to spend some time with our ladies here and surrounding them with support.  If this is a possibility please let me know and I will come and do a presentation for your ladies on how we work with our ladies and what services we offer them. If not please let me know as well.

   I thank you for your time and consideration. I hope you have a lovely day and a great weekend! 🙂


If you would like to begin training to establish the new Chicktime SA Westside chapter partnering with Providence Place, please contact us at info@chicktime.com, ask for Lori.


If you would like to begin volunteering right away at Providence Place, please visit their website to learn more: Providence Place Volunteer Page