San Antonio Hope News
May Update:
We had another amazing time with the girls at Changing Directions at our May 2017 Chicktime Hope! Our volunteers were able to make connections with the girls and we saw several lives permanently impacted.
Many of the girls heard for the first time that they were beautiful, valuable, precious, loved, accepted, talented, etc. As usual there were some tears flowing by the end of the first section and girls who came in angry and sullen were smiling and receptive by the end of the first hour.
We are extremely grateful to our volunteers for investing in these young women.
It is our hope that every girl in this program can see their self as God sees them!
“She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare with her.
Proverbs 3:15
April Update:
Do you ever wonder why we keep coming back? This statement about the picture posted pretty much sums it up~
“I’m going to keep this forever and always remember what I learned,” said a sweet girl about the bracelet she made at Changing Directions during our April 2017 workshop.
Thank you to our wonderful volunteers who helped make this another special class.
We hope to see you at our next workshop !!! Come make a difference with us!

Chicktime SA Hope will not meet in November!! Christmas is just around the corner and we are busy planning the Annual Christmas Party with the Canyon Lake chapter for the precious New Life Girls . Chicktime Hope is providing the worship band and volunteer support. We need homemade candy, Finger Sandwiches, Cut up Fruit for the chocolate fountain, and $1800 to buy each girl a gift bag. The gifts bags are $30 each so please consider sponsoring. Your $$ gifts are tax deductible. Make checks out to Chicktime and mail to 1020 Allen View Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78132.
Please RSVP to and copy
Crystal, Teresa, & Karen
Chicktime San Antonio Hope Leadership Team

Chicktime SA Hope will not meet during the month of November!
Christmas is just around the corner and we are busy planning the Annual Christmas Party with the Canyon Lake chapter for the precious New Life Girls . Chicktime Hope is providing the worship band and volunteer support. We need homemade candy, Finger Sandwiches, Cut up Fruit for the chocolate fountain, and $1800 to buy each girl a gift bag. The gifts bags are $30 each so please consider sponsoring. Your $$ gifts are tax deductible. Make checks out to Chicktime and mail to 1020 Allen View Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78132.
Please RSVP to and copy
Crystal, Teresa, & Karen
Chicktime San Antonio Hope Leadership Team
June/July Highlights
In June we collected diapers and in July we delivered those diapers as well as other supplies to the women and children in a shelter in Guatemala! Every donation made a HUGE difference in their lives, and the women were especially grateful for the diapers as most of them had never used a real diaper on their baby before! Thanks for all your support!!!

We are very, very excited about our June opportunity! Every June Chicktime Hope does something to support the Globalife Journeys Mission Trip to Guatemala. For the past two years we have been raising funds to stock the medical clinic we set up in the shelter. This year we are excited to announce our Diaper Dash Challenge! Due to the extreme poverty of the women in the shelter and the limited funds from the government to support them, the women are forced to use t-shirts as diapers for their babies. Unfortunately, due to the lack of available or excess clothing, these same t-shirts are also worn by their siblings when not being used as diapers. Babies stay in wet or soiled diapers far too long because of the lack of diapers, leading to diaper rashes and often severe infections. Well, no more! This year our goal is to collect cloth diapers – A LOT OF THEM – so the women will have real diapers for their babies and the other siblings can wear clothing that is not also previously soiled. We believe this will not only reduce infections in the babies but help the overall morale of the women and their other children.
So how can you help? Easy! Simply click this link and order a six pack of the SIZE 2 Diapers (please note I changed this after talking to several moms…the size 2 will be usable longer). Enter your billing information and use the shipping address: Karen L. Smith, 13333 Blanco Rd. Ste. 220, San Antonio, TX 78216. Karen will collect all the diapers and deliver them in country on July 15th. Due to the need to pack, all diapers must be delivered no later than June 30th. You can also send an Amazon Gift Card to and designate it is for diapers and Karen will take care of the order and shipping (which is free because she is an Amazon Prime member). If you live in San Antonio and want to have the diapers delivered to you, just shoot us an email at and Karen, Crystal or Teresa will pick up the diapers!
Special Announcement
And speaking of Teresa – who is that you ask? Teresa Jones is the newest member of our Chicktime Hope leadership team. Please visit the Meet The Leaders page on our Chicktime Hope page and learn more about Teresa!
May Highlights
We had another outstanding time at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse with our Changing Directions Program. The girls felt so loved on and so valued, and our team was equally impacted. This continues to be such a remarkable event as this month we had one gal who suffered from severe anxiety issues who was so greatly impacted she didn’t want the day to end! We are so proud of the amazing volunteers who continue to make this program such a success!!

May News
Our third Changing Directions of 2016 will be Saturday, May 14th from 8:30 am until 1:00 pm at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse on Frio Road. Changing Directions is one of the court-mandated programs that girls age 12-17 can complete to avoid a jail or probation for a first time misdemeanor offense. We provide breakfast for the girls and a four hour program that helps to motivate and inform them of how to make better choices in their lives. This is one of our biggest and most demanding (and most rewarding) events as we have seen many girls’ lives changed! Please RSVP on our Public Facebook invite or on the registration link here.
April Highlights
We had another fantastic Changing Directions event this past weekend. We had a lot of volunteers come, which was great because we had a record number of girls. Normally the court cuts the program off at 50, but we had 61 girls and it was amazing to see the difference that 4 hours made in their lives. Some of the girls were so impacted by the love and support of our women that they were in tears by the end of just the first section. Thanks to all the volunteers who truly showed that these girls are loved and valuable!
We were so thrilled at our last event to gather and put together cards for Jesus Said Love. These cards were put into gift baskets prepared by the ladies of Jesus Said Love and hand delivered to women working in strip clubs. Each card we made contained encouraging words for the women. We were honored to be able to make over 100 cards by hand for the gift baskets.
January Highlights
We are thrilled after yet another successful Changing Directions program at the Courthouse. Once again we shared tips for making good choices and some excellent stories, testimonies, and helpful instruction for the girls!
December Highlights
We had a fantastic time along with the Chicktime Canyon Lake Chapter as we helped with the Annual Christmas Party for the girls at New Life. There was food, fun, fellowship and music, and the girls enjoyed a visit from Santa. A great time was had by all!
October Highlights
We had a record turnout for the Chicktime chapter as we joined with Daily Bread ministries for a Saturday morning workday. We were the largest volunteer force they ever had! Thanks to the girls from UTHSC Nursing School and the massive members of the Greek Fraternities and Sororities at Trinity University for making our workday so successful!
Closed toe shoes are required, preferably with ankle support and sturdy, non-slip soles. Sneakers are fine but must be able to be tied. No loose shoes, absolutely no open toes, flip flops, or heels. Modest shorts may be worn, but no tank tops (t shirts preferred) and definitely no spandex, tight fitting, or overly loose clothing. Families are welcome, but children that come must be with parents at all times. Again, it is a working warehouse and could be dangerous for small children or unsupervised children. No running around and no “hide and seek” games or any horseplay will be allowed.
Daily Bread is a fantastic ministry that helps distribute fresh food as well as canned goods to those in need. We are very excited to be working with them once again! We MUST provide them with a headcount in advance, so please RSVP on our public FB invite with # of people coming or send an email to Thanks!
August Highlights
We had another fantastic outreach at the Courthouse. Unfortunately, we had several no-shows who did not contact us in advance, which puts us in a very precarious place with the court. If you can make future outreaches, please come if you RSVP or let us know if something comes up! Fortunately we had some new volunteers who were absolute rock stars and filled in the gaps admirably. Once again we saw angry, bitter, spiteful girls coming in who left with smiles, laughter, and a real sense of identity, who they were created to be, and the realization that they were important and valued. This continues to be such a life-impacting outreach, we are very excited about our last one of 2015 (mark your calendars now for October 17th from 8:30am-1:00om) and are very excited about next year’s program as well.
- Encouraging the girls
- Bracelet supplies
- A completed bracelet
- Another full courtroom
We provide breakfast for the girls and a four hour program that helps inform them of how to make better choices in their lives. This is one of our biggest and most demanding (and most rewarding) events as we have seen many girls’ lives changed! We need lots of ladies to help keep the girls engaged and participating! If you can join us, please RSVP by emailing or posting to our public Facebook invite here.
July Highlights
We of course had our Guatemala trip in July (see prior post) but we also had a discover Chicktime at EZs, where we discussed plans for 2016. We are very excited as we are presenting a proposal to the City of San Antonio to expand Changing Directions to six times a year (which will help even more girls!) and we have some other exciting plans as well. Stay tuned for updates on next year!
Apologies for the VERY later post but I came back from Guatemala with a bit of an upper respiratory infection caused by volcanic ash! But please join us at the EZs on Bitter Road, 734 W Bitters Rd, on July 30th at 7:00pm for a Discover Chicktime event! This is a great opportunity to bring your friends to learn about Chicktime as we gear up for the end of the year run and look into scheduling for next year!
Questions? Email
June/July Highlights
Once again Chicktime Hope helped to support Globalife Journeys and their annual mission trip to Guatemala! Chicktime Hope members donated medical supplies and Amazon Gift Cards to buy more supplies for the women and children at the shelter we serve! The supplies went a long way to providing for physical well being as well as emotional well-being as we also did some work on the grounds. Thanks for all your support!!
May Highlights
We had another full house at the Courthouse for our Changing Directions program! It was amazing to see the lives of so many girls impacted so deeply in such a short time! As usual we had a few difficult cases, but we also had some of the mostly deeply affecting times with the girls yet! It is such an honor and a privilege to sow into these young lives at such a critical juncture in their lives!
April Highlights
We held our first fund-raising garage sale to raise funds for Globalife Journey’s mission trip to Guatemala in July. Unfortunately Sunday did not have a lot of traffic, but we did receive some donations so we will be doing the sale again on an upcoming Saturday. We did have a good time as a few new chicks joined us!
March Highlights
We had a magnificent time Saturday morning at our Changing Directions at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse. We had 52 girls, the maximum for the program. Due to construction in the courthouse we were upstairs, but we managed to make it work! Several speakers shared with the girls, and once again the response was positive and overwhelming. Girls who were furious that the courts had ordered them to be there left with smiles on their faces and a new outlook for their future. Several girls thanked us for coming and changing their lives! It was so amazing!!
- We broke into small girls for discussion time.
- Verlyn shares with the girls.
- Valerie shared a powerful testimony.
- Chicktime Hope leader Karen shares on Choices.
February Highlights
In February we were proud to host a screening of Untouchable: Children of God at the Alamo Drafthouse. We were able to sell out the theater and bring awareness to the problem of Human Trafficking both on this planet and in our neighborhoods. We were proud to partner with two organization in raising awareness with this powerful film documentary.
- Alamo Drafthouse Stone Oak provided the theater
- We were super proud to sell out the theater!
- People waiting for the movie to begin
- Waiting for the movie
- Tara and Chicktime Hope member Annie provide info outside the theater
- Kristi shares after the movie
- Movie attendees stayed for a Q&A afterwards!
- Chicktime Hope Leader Karen addresses the crowd after the film and introduces reps
To see a trailer, get more information, buy tickets and/or make a donation:
For more info, email
Also watch your email for info on our events coming next year! We are working on the calendar!
August Highlights
In August we had another successful Changing Directions program at the courthouse. The impact we have made on these young women continues to be amazing! Our final Changing Directions program will be on October 18th from 8am – 1pm, so mark your calendars now!
July Highlights
In July we raised funds and supplies for Globalife Journey’s trip to Guatemala. This is our third year supporting this ministry and it was a huge success! The items we provided helped the women and children as we donated medicine, clothing, toys and games. Here are some photos of how your supplies made a huge difference in the lives of the women and kids!
Even if you cannot attend the event on July 10th, we will arrange to pick up items if you can donate. We have the ability to take three large suitcases full of supplies and would really like to fill them. Please consider making a donation of items or cash which can be used to buy the items.
We are collecting:
Toys for the kids – play-doh & bubble bottles/toys (these must be new/unopened due to airline restrictions), jumpropes, frisbees, soccer balls, basketballs, footballs (nerf or inflatable)
Craft supplies for the kids and moms – paper, crayons, markers, pen, glue, scissors, coloring books, etc.
Medicines (new, unopened, over-the-counter) including basic cold and flu meds, pain relievers, antiacids, bandaids, disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide.
Items for babies – clothing, cloth diapers, bottles, toys, formula (new, unopened with Spanish instructions on container)
-Hygiene product needs include: toilet paper, sanitary pads, shampoo, soap, laundry soap, cleaning supplies such as bleach, tooth brushes, tooth paste, etc.
-We are also always in need of good second hand clothes for children of different ages.
Also, several Kindles have been donated to the shelter so Amazon gift cards to purchase school and spiritual books would be good.
Finally, when the women are able to safely leave the shelter they are in need of luggage since they usually come with nothing. We are in need of 2 Large suitcases to be donated that will be left at the shelter.
The event will be held on Thursday, July 10th from 7:30pm – 9:00 pm at Karen’s house – 8000 Forrest Crossing, Live Oak 78233. Snacks, drinks and desserts will be served. We will show videos from prior visits to Guatemala that Chicktime Hope supported. Please come and bring friends, and ask your friends to donate as well! These women and children lose everything in a country when very little is had to begin with. They are beautiful, special people and the trips have always been a huge blessing to them. Again, if you can donate but not attend we can arrange to pick up items. Karen will be packing items that night and leaving on the 15th to meet the team in Houston, and together they will travel to Guatemala. Thank you for your continued support!
Please RSVP for event/donation pickup on our public FB event or by emailing Thanks so much for your support!!
June Highlights
We did not have a formal event in June. Pictures from our July trip will be posted after the trip!
We are taking June off as a month of prayer! If you would pray for our chapter and your role we would appreciate it! We are also looking for a third co-leader, so if you are interested please let us know!
May Highlights
We are very thankful to those who came and helped us to deliver groceries and a special gift to some of the elderly moms on the Southside of San Antonio!
April Highlights
In April we once again participated in the Changing Boundaries program at the Municipal Courthouse. The impact we continue to have on the girls in this program is immeasurable. Thank you all for your continued support!
If you can attend, please help us by bringing:
– bottled water (40-50 bottles minimum)
– bottled juice (25-30 please) or capri sun, etc.
– 1 dozen breakfast tacos (5 dozen needed)
– 1 dozen donuts (2 dozen needed)
– Bunch of bananas
It is important to make sure we have enough to feed the girls (usually a full courtroom of 5o) so PLEASE RSVP here on our public FB event by commenting on if you will attend, how many are coming with you, and if you can bring one of the needed items:
Chicktime Hope Changing Directions event RSVP here
If you are not on FB at all, please sent a message to
March Highlights
In March we supported a team gathering supplies for the missionaries who labor in the most remote regions of the world. A team took what was gathered to Nepal, and we will post some pics as soon as we receive them!
– Specific books requested: People Smart – Developing your interpersonal intelligence by Mel Silberman; Communication – principles for a lifetime by Steven A. Beebe, any Beth more bible studies, any bible studies for young boys and girls (used books are fine if they are in good condition!)
– Vanilla essence with no preservatives; chia seeds; hemp seeds; panda licorice bars.
– Craft supplies for kindergarten aged children; craft items for any age, toys, games, and Lego, Star Wars or action figures (for boys).
– Black or yellow lock laces
– Duffel bags or large suitcases that will help carry the items and be left with the missionaries!
Again, we will shop for items Wednesday the 5th if you want to donate cash. Thanks for supporting Chicktime Hope as we help missionaries fulfill their mission.
February Highlights
We had a Discover Chicktime Hope in February and were excited to welcome 7 new ladies interested in helping Chicktime Hope! We shared the upcoming vision for Chicktime Hope.
January Highlights
We were honored once again to present Changing Directions at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse. The program serves girls age 12-17 who are given the opportunity to attend verses jail time for a first time offense. We had some new speakers, and our sorority friends came to help as well! An awesome time was had by all!
December Highlights
In December we joined Chicktime Canyon Lake for their annual Christmas Party and New Life Children’s Center. Great fun was had by all!
November Highlights
For the month of November we joined King’s Compassion to bag groceries and deliver them to elderly people on the city’s South side. It was a fantastic day and with lots of donations each person received a bounty of goods!
Items needed:
Small sizes of hygiene items (toothpaste, body wash, hand soap, bars of soap, toilet paper, etc.)
Easy to cook items (pasta, Ramen noodles, spaghetti sauce, crackers, cans of soup, cooking oil, etc.)
Bags of beans and rice
Small sizes of basic cleaning items (laundry detergent, cleaner, bleach, paper towels, glass cleaner, etc.)
If you would like to donate items, you can drop them off with Crystal Lozano or bring them to the event. Contact Crystal for more details!
October Highlights
We had another successful encounter at the Municipal Courthouse with the girls assigned to the Changing Directions Program for October. It was our smallest group ever as 20 of the girls who had been ordered by the court to attend the program did not show up. We truly believe that this was a divine appointment for those girls who did, because they got even more individual attention and the results were magnified. These girls really had their lives changed. The impact was obvious on their faces and their demeanor, but it was especially evident by the words they spoke – it was awesome! We are looking forward to returning to facilitate the Changing Directions program 4 more times next year!
September Highlights
In September we were thrilled to participate in an Arts Night for Charity. Some of our ladies joined us at Artwork Studios to create an inspirational art piece that will be donated to a home in San Antonio for women rescued from human trafficking. What a wonderful time we had!
August Highlights
We were blessed once again to return to the Courthouse for another successful Changing Directions program. This was our toughest one yet as we had a full house of over 50 girls and for the first time we had some disruptive girls. Though it was difficult we still managed to have a great time and the majority of the girls really enjoyed the day and had a very positive experience!
- Jessica shares on education
- A full house gets a good message
- A finished bracelet
- The girls love making their own bracelets
July Highlights
In late July we joined with other volunteers at the Children’s Hunger Fund headquarters in San Antonio to prepare food paks for distribution. A great time was had by all!
June Highlights
In June we gathered donations for a shelter in Guatemala that we support! Karen will be delivering the items the first week of August, and we will have some pictures later!!
May Highlights
For our May activity, we held a shower for All Things News, a home in San Antonio for women rescued from Human Trafficking. We were pleased to provide a number of items that will help the home provide services to women in the area.
- The ladies show off some of the goods…
- Donated items…
- Watching the presentation
- Watching the presentation
April Highlights
We had another fantastic, successful Changing Directions event at the Municipal Courthouse in April. We had some new ladies join us, and were SUPER HONORED that Chicktime Founder Lori Rhodes was able to join us for this event! The participation from the girls continues to amaze, and we were so thrilled to be able to share with these young girls and make an impact in their life!
- Tara Garner shares with the girls
- Every girl gets to make a bracelet to keep
- Making a bracelet
- Verlyn talks on choosing education
- Chicktime Founder Lori Rhodes with Hope Leader Jessica Ham
- Shari Moon shares a story
Wish List:
For the children:
Good quality boys and girls clothing ages 4-16- no larger than medium men’s clothing; Good quality new underwear and panties for girls and boys ages 4-16 (79 children total!); Paperback reading books for kids ages 4-16;Sticky backed felt for crafts and craft items
For the missionaries:
3-5 year old boys clothings, shoe size 10; 18 months- 3 year old girls clothing; lotions and shower gel; vanilla flavored coffee; maple syrup; Crayola restickable stickers; kid vitamins; chocolate chips; Lara bars; nutritional yeast; almond meal; organic dark chocolate chips; hemp and heart seeds
February Highlights
In February we re-teamed with Daily Bread ministries to help them out at their thrift store, 2nd Blessings. Volunteers showed up to help sort through several hundred donated clothes items and get them ready for re-sale! A special thanks to everyone who showed up to help out!
January Highlights
Once again in January we participated in our Changing Directions program at the San Antonio Courthouse. This is an event we do 4 times a year, speaking to girls age 11-17 who chose to participate in the program versus jail time for first time minor offenses. Once again we had great participation from our ladies and, eventually, from the girls! They come in tough, wound up and closed off, not wanting to be there at all…but leave with smiles and encouragement and feeling much more confident in who they are. We are SUPER excited that after this month’s program one of the 17 year old girls contacted us after the event because they want to get involved with Chicktime! What a testimony!!!
December Highlights
In December we partnered with Canyon Lake to host a Christmas party for the girls at New Life Children’s Home. The girls enjoyed games, music, snacks, and photos with Santa! It was super fun for all involved!
Chicktime Hope is co-hosting and bringing the band, Santa pictures, and fun games!
We still need your help for the following items!!
Please hit a reply and send us an email
letting us know what items you would like to donate and also if you can join us!
(1) Chocolate Fountain w/marshmallows, pretzels
fruit, pound cake, angel food cake – Carolyn Boden
(60) Candy Canes – Carol Cook
(60) Candy Canes – Laurie Rauch
(2) Veggie Trays – Lori Rhodes
(12 dozen) Sandwiches – Lori Rhodes
(3 dozen) Homemade Cookies – Kaye Haynes
(3 dozen) Homemade Cookies – Katie Cattarin
(3 dozen) Homemade Cookies – Toni Knight
(3 dozen) Homemade Candy – Liz Barger
(3 dozen) Homemade Candy – Katy Barger
(3 dozen) Homemade Candy – Kelly Frank
(3) Bags of Chips & (3) Dips –
(3) Bags of Chips & (3) Dips –
(3) Bags of Chips & (3) Dips –
(3) Bags of Chips & (3) Dips –
(3) Bags of Chips & (3) Dips –
Fruit Punch to serve 100 –
Hot Chocolate to serve 100 –
Bottle Water to serve 100 – Lori Rhodes
(200 each) Plates, Napkins, Cups – Carolyn Boden
Gift Tote Bags with Hoodies
(80) Toiletry Sets- Pam Vandermey-Collins
(80) Ankle Socks – Ione Wenzel
(80) Ankle Socks – LIsa Martin
We need to raise $2,000 to cover the cost of the tote bags and hoodies
so you are welcome to donate in any increment that you like!
Please make checks out to CHICKTIME, and mail to 1020 Allen View Dr., New Braunfels, TX 78132
Contact Lori Rhodes or Carolyn Boden for more details: or
For the month of November Chicktime Hope partnered once again with King’s Compassion to collect and organize groceries and take those groceries and breakfast items to home-bound seniors. There they shared a meal, had fellowship and tended to any immediate household needs!
King’s Compassion is in need of groceries to deliver as they recently lost their source of providing groceries. We will be collecting supples up until the 9th when we make the deliveries. Contact any Chicktime Hope leader if you would like to donate:
– Personal Hygience Items (toothpaste, hand soap, body wash, bars of soap, toilet paper, etc.)
– Easy to prepare meals (pasta, ramen noodles, spaghetti sauce, crackers, soup, etc.)
– Bags of beans, rice, or canned beans (no green beans)
– White Bread
– Basic cleaning supplies (small boxes of laundry soap, cleanser, bleach, glass cleaner, etc.)
Please let us know you are coming to this event by registering here or on our FB invite!
October Event
In October we participated in our final Changing Directions program of 2012. Chicktime Hope presents this program 1x each quarterly at the Municipal Courthouse of San Antonio, speaking to young girls age 11-17 who chose to participate in the program versus going to jail for a first offense. The program continues to be a huge success as the girls come in guarded and defensive and leave laughing and filled with a new sense of self-worth and value!

August/September News
Chicktime participated in two wonderful events in July and August! During the month of July clothing was collected and donated for a missions trip to Guatemala, and in August those clothes were delivered to the women and children at a shelter in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Also in August Chicktime Hope participated in yet another fantastic program at the Courthouse. The program, Changing Directions, was the new program we were assigned by the court as they felt our presentation was better suited to that than to the Boundaries program, which is carried on by other groups. Once again it was a huge success as the court continues to assign girls to the Chicktime Hope program because of the outstanding results we have achieved! Unfortunately we have no pictures from our August Changing Directions event because our photographer happened to be in Quetzaltenango, Guatemala!! Two full suitcases of clothes (46 and 49,5 respectively – just below the weight limit for the plane!) were delivered to the women and children (and most of the women, unfortunately, were children). They were so blessed by the clothing donation!! Way to go Chicktime Hope!!!
July News
A Letter from Kristi Earles (Chicktime SA Hope Founder)
Ecclesiastes 3:1 To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven:…..In January of 2011, Karen, Tara and I began Chicktime Hope. Our passion was to serve those who need the love and hope of Jesus, those who are broken and those who have no voice, both in our city and around the world. We had a goal to connect women with opportunities to serve, in the hopes that they would find their passion and move towards it. We never dreamed this journey would bring us to the place we are now. Who would have thought, we’d be the ones to get connected to our passion! God is so faithful!
As most of you know, but just in case you don’t, in September of 2011, I was offered a job with MountainChild. MountainChild exists to raise awareness and resources for children living in the high Himalayan region, where half their children die by the age of eight. This just came to me. I wasn’t looking for it but my heart was. I have always wanted to partner with God to bring the tangible love of Jesus to people around the world and now I am getting to do just that. This job (I hate calling it a job, I’d do it for free if I could) requires travel both in the US and Asia.
At the same time as the Lord was moving me towards my purpose, He has been doing the same for Tara. Tara now holds a leadership position with an anti-human trafficking organization and is an advocate for those who have no voice. She is involved in meetings every week towards that end.
That being said, Tara and I feel that our season in leadership of Chicktime Hope has come to a close. We will still continue to be on the roster and be at events, when available. Tara will still fill her role in the Boundaries Program. I will still take a month every year for MountainChild through Chicktime Hope.
The amazing Karen will remain in leadership as the technical communication guru (I gave her that title). Crystal Vasquez has been fulfilling the role of liaison between Chicktime Hope and the ministries we serve. She has been such an incredible asset to me during this time of transition. Really these two ladies have been doing all the work since October, I am just finally making it official. Sometimes it’s just hard to let go. I appreciate them both so much!
Jessica Ham has agreed to take on my role and lead Chicktime Hope into the future. Jessica is an amazing woman of God! She is full of life, love, wisdom, grace, organizational skills and on top of all that, she is super fun to be with! If you don’t know her already, trust me, you want to!
It is my hope you will get behind Jessica, Karen and Crystal and continue bringing light and hope to the people of San Antonio, our nation and the world. What an honor to partner with God!
While Tara and I may be leaving leadership, we are placing you in VERY capable hands! We’ll still be around, we love all our Chicks to much to go away for good!
My love to you all,
Baby Shower at San Antonio Pregnancy Care Center
In June, Chicktime Hope threw a baby shower at the SAPCC, providing lots of clothing, diapers, and other much-needed supplies!
June News
May was a bit of a laid back month for us at Chicktime Hope as we did most of our communicating via email as we explored the option of going on a Missions Trip together. There are several ladies interested, and we would certainly be willing to open up to other local chapters! If you’re chapter is interested in going on a short-term missions trip, we can connect you with our contact who can help arrange a short term trip for your chapter (anywhere from 4 days to 10). Just shoot an email to and we’ll be glad to fill you in!
We have a dynamic June event coming up, so hop over to our events page and check it out!
May News
On April 28th we participated in the alternative female juvenile adjudication program at the Municipal Courthouse. Previously we participated in the “Boundaries” portion, but we have been assigned to the Changing Directions portion now, and what a fit the message was for the girls! Once again we had our largest crowd and it looks like the court is continuing to send more girls through our program! Once again the girls came in cold, defensive, and unresponsive, but by the end there were smiles, laughter, and many changed face and lives. These pics only tell part of the amazing story!
April News
In March Chicktime Hope was proud to participate in A Night of Worship that united members from multiple churches and denominations in the San Antonio area in a night of powerful worship. The 9 person worship team had representatives from five different churches and the worshipers in attendance represented more even more diversity. What a glorious picture of worship in the kingdom! The night was amazingly powerful and finished with a presentation by Jack Reid highlighting the efforts in the Himalayas to reach unreached people groups and to help bring attention the the issues of clean water, education, trafficking, child labor, and other issues challenging the children of the Himalayas. Overall it was an amazing night and we look forward to more of these kinds of evenings in the future!
There is A LOT going on in April, May, and June, so please click here to see what’s up!