Where We Serve

This is the page where you will highlight the charity partner or partners that you serve.  Make sure to include links, photos, and always remember the powerful impact of a well created video.  For example, if you are serving at a children’s home, a flyer (pdf) would be a great addition, and if you serve multiple  charities (i.e. Chicktime Hope, which does something with a different partner each month) be sure to include information and/or links to ALL the partners.


*This is also a great place to post additional volunteer opportunities available with your charity partner such as the need for long term mentors, open board positions, and other volunteer duties needed by your charity. These typically won’t have anything to do with Chicktime, just a nice space to promote the work of your charity.


*For your page to show ‘live’ on the website, you MUST make it a ‘public’ page. To do this, look in the right column in the box titled ‘Publish’ located just above the ‘update’ blue button. Next to the ‘Visibility’ sub heading you will see the word Private with the word Edit next to it. Click Edit. Select Public then click OK. You MUST click the blue Update button to save your changes.

As always, use the Canyon Lake Page as your sample page.  Also look at the Chicktime Hope page if you have multiple partners you work with for a sample of this page.

Sample  Where We Serve



About New Life Children’s Center

New Life Children’s Center (Canyon Lake, Texas) is a children’s treatment center working to restore emotional well being and help the resident girls develop appropriate coping skills on the their journey of healing from severe physical abuse and neglect. Most of these girls will never return home, it isn’t safe. The average length of treatment is 6 months, but the girls can stay as long as 18 months if needed. Once they are well enough to leave New Life, the girls will hopefully be placed with adoptive parents or placed in the foster care system.


Chicktime New Life believes that EVERY girls needs support from those who love her and we enter their lives as caring members of the community focused on their restoration and just doing what we can to bring a bright spot to their lives.



Additional Volunteer Opportunities at New Life

A volunteer packet must be completed to volunteer in these areas:
CHICKTIME – A group of woman (daughters can participate as long as they are 12) that come and host four different activities at New Life the 2nd Saturday of each month from 9:00-12:00.  We have done an etiquette class, yoga, zumba, crochet, basketball clinic, arts and crafts, fiesta, a carnival, written thank you notes to soldiers in Afghanistan, packed beans and rice to donate to a local food bank and glamour shots to name a few.
SURROGATES – Girls without on-going parent relationships are supported by a local “surrogate parent” volunteer ~ someone to advocate for them in special education planning meetings and to offer encouragement and mentoring.  Time commitment is very flexible.  These people volunteer at Trinity Charter School on the New Life campus.
WOMEN IN BUSINESS (WIB) – These are local business women who come to New Life the 3rd Wednesday of each month and prepare dinner and a special treat for our 80 residents and staff. They are longest active volunteer group J
MASTER GARDENERS – The Comal County Master Gardeners come to New Life on the 3rd Monday of each month to plant flowers, dig up weeds and cultivate our gorgeous butterfly garden.  It is a wonder!!
POINT STORE – Volunteers assist in running the point store each Wednesday from 4:00-5:00 pm. When the girls are on level and have earned at least 240 points, they come by cottages and have 10 minutes to shop.  One week is the left sides of the cottages and the next week it is the right sides.
SHARING HANDS – A group of women who come to New Life and change the theme of the point store each month. They decorate, restock and spruce it up.  The date varies but it is usually on a Tuesday around 10:00 am.
HAIR STYLISTS – All you need to volunteer in Jayne’s Salon is a license and a pair of scissors.  It is fully stocked.  The hours are flexible.
SPIRITUAL CARE VOLUNTEERS – We have a Spiritual Care Director who coordinates Chapel Services on Mondays from 4:00-5:00 pm; Choir from 6:00-7:00 pm; and Bible Studies after school on Tuesdays-Thursdays.  She needs spiritual mentors and Pastors to lead chapel.
No paper work is needed for the following:
DONATION DIVAS – Come for fun as we sort items and lovingly prepare them for the girls on the 2nd Friday of each month from 9:00-11:00. Groups/ /all ages welcome!

Donation Items Needed for New Life

please drop off donations at New Life Children’s Center

650 Scarborough, Canyon Lake, TX 78133


  • Watches
  • Lip glosses (no glass and no other make-up items)
  • Rugs (small colored throw rugs for the bedside)
  • House shoes (really cute fun ones)
  • Stickers
  • Hair gel (straight or curly hair and African American like ampro or jam)
  • Fun pillows (to decorate their beds)
  • Posters
  • Cute stuffed animals
  • tretchy bracelets (no metal)
  • Necklaces with breakable chains (an easy test is to decide if a necklace chain will pull off easily, so leather and wire won’t work…. More like light chains, threads, or stretchy string!)
  • Board Games & cards
  • Socks (Colored or white but ankle or short only)
  • Giant pickles (large, PLASTIC only jars sold at Wal-Mart and Sam’s Club)
  • Individual bags of chips and snacks (especially hot cheetos)
  • Candy Bars
  • Non- chocolate candy (skittles, starburst, wonka, sour strings)
  • 8 pack 12 oz. (plastic bottles only) rootbeer, orange, mountain dew, coke, dr. pepper, sprite and diet coke



  • The girls love to crocket and knit.  We can use colorful yarn, crochet hooks and knitting looms.
  • As an all girl facility we are always in need of white ankle socks, sports bras (no metal) and underwear (bikini, boy short or low rise, no thongs, please).
  • Tampons (slims, regular and super)
  • Phone cards to call their families
  • When the girls discharge successfully from New Life, we CELEBRATE.  We are in need of make-up for their discharge bags: mascara, eye shadow, blush, lip gloss, lipstick and eyeliner.


  • Anything with ANY metal, sharp edges like mirrors, glass, porcelain ceramics…..



Any questions: contact Lisa Brown, volunteer director for New Life at

lisa.brown@lsss.org or 830-964-4390 x216


New Life Children’s Center Website 



New Life Children's Center brochure pg 1


New Life Children's Center brochure pg 2