About Our Chapter
This is the place where information about your chapter goes, including things such as who was the founding leader of the chapter, how the chapter began or was inspired, and the date the chapter was founded (if no exact date, the time frame i.e. fall of 2010). If the founding leader is no longer a current leader, a picture of them on the page would be nice. You may use the very same content you used to introduce yourself in your post, just adjust it a little bit to read more like history rather than an introduction.
You will notice that you will need a place to ‘move’ your Vision statement when you eventually start posting your current news on your Current News page… and rather than ‘push’ your chapter’s vision statement down lower on the Current News page, you can copy/paste it here and add a few more additional details.
*For your page to show ‘live’ on the website, you MUST make it a ‘public’ page. To do this, look in the right column in the box titled ‘Publish’ located just above the ‘update’ blue button. Next to the ‘Visibility’ sub heading you will see the word Private with the word Edit next to it. Click Edit. Select Public then click OK. You MUST click the blue Update button to save your changes.
As always, use the Canyon Lake Page as your sample page. Pasted below is the sample from the Canyon Lake page, feel free to use it as a template and REMEMBER to delete the sample content before you publish this page!
SAMPLE About Our Chapter
Chicktime Canyon Lake was founded in October of 2006 by Lori Rhodes and her daughter Katy (who was 15 at the time). Chicktime Canyon Lake is the original Chicktime chapter. The first official Chicktime event was held in January of 2007. Lori and Katy began this adventure because they decided to go out and find the pain in the world and do something about it. They didn’t have to look far because there was a home just 10 minutes from their home where 80 young girls were recovering from severe abuse/neglect. Lori and Katy served together at New Life (but not in direct contact with the girls) for about a month but were unable to work directly with the girls because Katy wasn’t 21, the age required by the center to have direct contact. And so the story unfolds… as a mother created a program and others jumped on board to usher their daughters (and themselves) on a journey that would change their lives forever! To hear the details, just ask Lori or Katy, they love to tell the story of how Chicktime ‘came to be’.
Chicktime Canyon Lake now has three chapter leaders (featured on our ‘Meet the Leaders’ page), almost 200 members, and grows annually! All of our members believe that EVERY girl needs support & love and we enter their lives as caring members of the community focused on their restoration and just doing what we can to bring a bright spot to their lives.
We invite you to join us! Please check our events page or the Chicktime Calendar and sign up to join one of our monthly Chicktime events. To join our chapter and receive our invitations, click the ‘subscribe’ button below and follow the prompts to join Chicktime Canyon Lake! There are no membership requirements or fees to join our chapter!
**Before serving at New Life, you will be required by the center to fill out a few forms, including permission for the center to run a background check.