Rock Painting!
March Update:
Our March workshop, Maria Elena, got things together for her “all about hygiene” workshop….and then we heard the incredible news that we are allowed to return to campus in April. Ozanam is allowing two Chicktime volunteers at a time as they transition back to things pre-Covid. So Maria Elena will take her March workshop to leave with the girls this month and assist our April workshop leader, Teressa with her now in-person workshop!
If you are able to help with supplies please let us know. We are feeling so blessed to have such caring women who want to see Chicktime workshops happen so they donate supplies and time to lead workshops!
To be honest~ that’s all it really takes to be part of the leadership team~ having a caring heart and have about 10 minutes a month to do Chicktime business stuff and of course attend workshops. When we have a team it’s so easy to to keep our commitment to the girls at Ozanam. We hope you would consider joining the leadership team.