March Update:
Al-Anon groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of addicts who share their experience, strength, and hope in order to solve their common problems.
Chicktime Katy and Krause completed an amazing workshop Saturday, with the help of some very braze Al-Anon adults and Alateen youth. Our 5 speakers talked about not trying to be the adult but staying a kid, knowing addicts have to fix themselves, and knowing their rage has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their addiction, along with so many other great topics. They provided some literature for us to see if we could benefit from their programs. And then some awesome Krause girls stood up and said that the women had really spoken to them. Kimberly reminded us that we should never be afraid or embarrassed to share our story. Our strength in sharing could help others find their voice. Very powerful to realize that being a courageous woman could help someone else who isn’t as courageous, yet!