Prayer Requests for the upcoming school year

1.    Altgeld High School Student – This high school aged girl has struggled immensely over the past several years as the hold of streets has kept her bound to struggle. From multiple arrests to an STD to a physically abusive relationship to reoccurring family tragedy, she has experience far too much. She currently is not enrolled in high school yet has been trying to go back for 2 years. She is in and out of church and professes faith in Christ, yet her lifestyle hasn’t reflected much change. Please join us in interceding for her! Pray that the binds that keep her from true life change would be totally broken. Pray that the life of the streets would appear entirely unappealing and that the LORD would rescue her from such darkness.


2.    Violence in Englewood – Our hearts cringe when article after article speak of continued violence across the city, especially in Englewood. Romans 8:22 speaks of the very earth groaning in pain as it awaits full redemption. The streets of Englewood echo this cry. Family after family replicate this severe mourning as another son… another daughter… another husband… another uncle dies due to human hatred. Lord draw near! Cover those that have experienced so much heartache. Turn individuals, families, entire blocks and neighborhoods unto yourself. Lord, send many witnesses, who like John the Baptist, will unashamedly proclaim the GOOD NEWS to dark streets that crave light. Light will triumph!


3.    Reading Specialists Parent Covenant – Pray for our Reading Specialist team as they draft a covenant to use with parents, encouraging them to support and encourage their child while we are working with them throughout the year.  The team’s goal is to build up connections with the students’ parents which will hopefully aid in building a team of supporters for the students’ learning.


A verse to take with you today: Isaiah 41:10 “Fear not for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”