What is your passion? What are your innate gifts that God has granted you with from the experiences that have grown you in the direction of what your heart yearns for? For me the passions that I have found emanates from the areas of growth that fear resides in, telling me that I am not good enough or worthy enough of delivering my purpose in this world. My past fear of being seen and heard has crippled my self-esteem so much that rising above the negative clatter in my head seems impossible of climbing into a safe zone of self-love and belief. Am I pretty enough? Am I smart enough? Am I confident enough? Am I perceived in a good light? Does anyone care what I have to say? I remember standing in front of my eighth grade class giving a presentation about myself, where I broke down talking about how my dad was never in my life. As the pain rushed me into tears, I uncomfortably stood there unable to go on. My perception of my identity was wrecked because the father that was given to me in this world could care less about me and more about his own agenda. It was right there where my fear of public speaking ensued a curse that followed me throughout college. I think it’s those most vulnerable areas where healing needs to overlap the hurt and where forgiveness needs to push out the anger that proceeds us to fulfilling our destinies. The Lord knows those areas of weakness and he gives you this beautiful messy life to devote yourself in Trusting him and Standing in faith no matter what comes your way.
So what is stopping you from truly lifting everything up to God, and trusting that you are a woman of value and deeply loved and anointed with favor, good fortune and blessings? Once surrendered to the bringer of truth, we open our eyes to see who we truly are despite the critics of this world and what their perception colors us to be. With a culture consumed with worldly affairs it is easy to measure ourselves according to success in merit of standards that are unbelievable and insignificant. I pray that you ladies have enough faith in living authentically instead of living a facade of what society tells you to be. It is our mission to show the girls we serve how to reach that place of love and value against everything that tries to minimize us to what we should be. I feel so blessed to have you apart of my journey in making the world a better place for the next generation. I appreciate every woman’s individuality and unique talents and passions that they bring to our Chapter in making this dream a reality. I love you all and can not wait to see you at the next event!
A special thank you Kristel Boe from ArtBeat San Diego from the grace filled instruction and materials you provided to make this event possible. You are a sweetheart! We had an amazing time painting and were blessed by your presence. Looking to the next event you lead.