October News
Chicktime San Antonio Leaders Attend Retreat
We just had the privilege of attending the Chicktime annual retreat September 25th – 27th right here in San Antonio. What an amazing experience it is to gather with women from all over the U.S. who are passionate about using their talents to make the world a better place. There were representatives from 21 chapters coming from chapters as far away as Oceanside, CA to Rockford, IL to Spring Hill, FL. We enjoyed the opportunity to exchange ideas and encourage each other through the challenges that we face in organizing our chapters and moving towards our mission.
As part of the retreat, we were also able to attend the Chosen Conference at Summit Christian Center. What an amazing opportunity for spiritual renewal as we listened to some well renowned Christian motivational speakers. We were reminded to stand and move forward on the path that God has laid out before us. It was so inspiring to join with thousands of our fellow sisters to praise God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us.
We want to thank Lori Rhodes, Chicktime founder, for organizing the retreat and for sharing her blessings so that we could enjoy such a wonderful experience. We are already looking forward to next year!
Update on Our Chapter
We are still waiting to find out if Seton Home has been able to obtain a waiver so that we may return to Casa de Milagros without having to follow the new highly-restrictive requirements that the federal government is now imposing on volunteers at certain federally funded agencies. In the meantime, we are exploring some other agencies that are interested in partnering with us so that we may determine if they are a good fit with both our mission and the demographics of our volunteer base. We will keep you posted on our status and we ask that you pray that God points us in the direction where we are needed the most. Please know that we love you all for the gifts you have shared with Chicktime in the past and we look forward to the day when we will all be working side by side again to serve those that need us in our community.
Letty, Donnette & Annette
“Now then, stand ready to witness the great marvel the Lord is about to accomplish before your eyes.”
– 1 Samuel 12:16