October News


Chicktime Colorado Springs is thrilled to announce that YOU are invited to our 2013 Fall Festival!!!!





Chick Leaders: Stephanie Evitts, Katie Schafer, Brooke Johnson, Nohea March, Kathy Watkins, Karana Rice, Sue Allnutt, Cathi Trippe, and Diane Shelton




Date: Saturday, October 26, 2013

Time: 10:00am to 12:00pm




Where: El Pueblo Kids Ranch

1 El Pueblo Ranch Way

Pueblo, CO 81006


Please register for event by emailing chicktimecs@yahoo.com or clicking “register” under the events calendar! Hope to see you there!



September Highlights:

What an incredible Leader Drive we had in September!!!! Thank you to all who came and brought so many delicious dishes!!! Best of all—we have filled our 2014 events calendar completely!!! Many thanks to the warm and wonderful women wo signed up to lead a month in 2014!  Please see our calendar under the events link on the left and sort by Colorado Springs to register for an event 🙂