Waterloo/Geneva News

We are excited about bringing Chicktime to Waterloo/Geneva, NY.

Welcome to Chicktime Waterloo/Geneva NY!!!

We are so glad you came to check us out. We our so excited to meet you!!… Please look around our site and we encourage you to show up at one of our Chicktime Events!

Click on the listing’s on the left to learn more about Chicktime and our Leaders.

Our first meeting was Septemeber 8,2012.

Seven girls made a commitment to join Chicktime. How exciting is that!

Keep checking back for updates.

If you would like to come to one of our meeting’s.

Send me an email at franschicktime@ hotmail.com

or call me 315-558-1639

Our first Event is October 13, 2012….more details to come!

Hope to see you at our next meeting or event!

In Love, Fran Mastellar (Founder of Waterloo/Geneva, NY)