November News
October Update
October was such an insightful event for the girls and volunteers. The event was centered around a presentation by Susie Davis, author of Unafraid. She really connected with the girls during her presentation about overcoming fear. It was so touching to see her talking with some of the girls on a one-on-one basis. I know in my heart that what they discussed will impact each girl in a positive way for the rest of her life. Thank you Susie, for being there to touch these girls in such a wonderful way.
Carolyn and Sandra did such a great job tying it all together with the Praise band and the activity. The praise band was so inspiring and the songs touched our hearts. The girls sang and worshipped. The faithfulness of Jesus could be felt with the loving environment that we experienced. The craft was so special, telling each of us that we are created by God and here for a purpose. I know that this is a Chicktime that will be etched in our memories that we can carry with us to make an impact in the world by all of us, Volunteers and New Life Girls alike.