November News


Thanksgiving Celebration

Our next event will be a Thanksgiving celebration for the residents of Casa de Milagros at Seton Home on Sunday, November 10th, at 5:00 PM. Setup will be at 4:30. We are planning on doing some fall crafts with the girls and a lesson on American Thanksgiving traditions, followed by a Thanksgiving dinner. We can use volunteers for helping with the craft, decorating the dinner table, serving food, and babysitting. RSVP to Annette Goodson at annettegoodson@sbcglobal.net if you are interested in helping.
October Highlights

A Sweet Time Decorating Cakes

Another fabulous time was had by all as we gathered once again with the girls at Casa de Milagros on October 19th to learn how to decorate cakes.  It is truly a blessing to have the opportunity to work with these beautifully sweet girls.
photo 1 for newsletter
Kelly Hoog was our monthly leader.  She brought her many years of experience to teach the girls how to decorate cakes.  Each got to decorate their own small cake and practiced many techniques including how to frost a cake, piping on borders, making flowers & hearts, and writing with frosting.  They were completely fascinated by the whole process and very anxious to learn.  After decorating their own personal cakes, they also decorated cupcakes and were so proud to present them to the volunteers and Seton Home staff to snack on. 
photo 2 for newsletter
We want to thank all of the volunteers that showed up to work with the girls and babysit the little ones.  I think we all walked away feeling like we gained far more than we gave.  And, a HUGE “thank you” to Kelly for bringing the homemade cakes and supplies for this activity.
photo 3 for newsletter

Christmas Plans

All of the girls at Casa de Milagros come from very impoverished backgrounds.  They are so incredibly grateful for anything they receive.  We would like to surprise them with Christmas presents.  As they are only at the shelter temporarily, they are in need of travel bags for when they leave.  We would like to provide them with a duffle bag or small suitcase for their belongings so they have something nice as they travel to their next destination.  There are two ways you can assist us in helping provide a special holiday gift for these precious children of God.

  • We are accepting monetary contributions so that we can purchase the travel bags for the girls.
  • We are looking for volunteers to make homemade cards for the girls to let them know how much they are loved.  (Messages should be in Spanish.)

We would be most appreciative of your contributions to make this a special Christmas for the residents of Casa de Milagros.  If you are able to contribute money or cards, please contact Donnette Tyler at donnette.tyler@gmail.com.

Chicktime Merchandise on Clearance

We are selling all of our Chicktime merchandise at clearance prices during November & December.  Proceeds will go towards funding the Thanksgiving dinner and Christmas presents.  We have the following items for sale:

  • Chicktime San Antonio turquoise t-shirts $10
  • Chicktime pink t-shirts $10
  • Chicktime San Antonio hoodies $15
  • Chicktime brown caps with turquoise logo $10
  • God Chick bracelets $5
  • Chicktime cookbooks $10

If you are interested in purchasing any merchandise, please contact Diane Godwin at dgodwin831@sbcglobal.net.
During this month of Thanksgiving we want to let you know how much we appreciate all of you who have lead activities over this past year, those that have shown up to help, and those who have made financial contributions.  Chicktime would not be possible without you.  We hope that you have found your experiences with our organization to be spiritually fulfilling.
Blessings & Thanks to All,
Diane, Donnette, & Annette
“I sing a hymn of thanksgiving and tell of all your wonderful deeds”
– Psalm 26:7