November 2013
Happy Fall Ya’ll!!
After many months of waiting anxiuosly, we have events on the calendar and not just any ole’ events…but fun ones and ones that will make a difference!
October 19th is an event we are truly excitedto be a part of. The Crisis Center of Anderson and Cherokee Counties is planning a candlelight vigil in observation of Domestic Violence Awareness Month and to raise awareness about the problem. – The Light the Way candlelight vigil is an event for the victims of domestic abuse. It is celebrating the survivors of abuse, remembering the ones who lost their life, and showing hope for those who are dealing with domestic violence. -The event will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 19 at the Palestine Mall parking lot. – There is no charge, just come stand with us in honor of the . 102 Texas women who lost their lives to domestic violence in 2011. Yes…. thats one state in one year. We will have 102 candles, each with its own name. Come stand in their honor, and in support for those dealing with domestic violence –
For more info pleace visit Or Call Brandon Greene at the Crisis Center 903-723-5858.
November…Help us celebrate Thanksgiving with the women at the Crisis Center. We will meet on Wednesday the 27th at 930 to cook and celebrate all that we have to be Thankful for. If you are interested in helping with this please let us know. We will need cooks, helpers, ideas, smiles and kind hearts.
December 11 4:30-6:30 pm We will be helping with the Crisis Center Christmas Party! We will be in charge of games and crafts for the kids. Last year we painted ornaments, played musical chairs and watched them open presents from Santa. It will truly warm your heart. So please join us as we shower these kids with love, warmth and a few gifts! We need people for the party or if you would like to play Santa for a special kiddo, let us know!! So put on our jingle bells and elf hats and join us! So call or email and let us know what you would like to do.
If you have an idea for something fun to do in 2014….Please let us know!
Amy 903-391-9722
Tracy 903-948-4010