Each month Chicktime, Inc. publishes a national newsletter highlighting new chapter introductions and chapter news!!
Current Chicktime leaders, the newsletter links to YOUR web pages so make sure to post your latest news by the first of each month (when the newsletter goes out) so that readers will be refreshed and delighted by all you are doing!!
As of January 2012, more than 1200 people receive the newsletter and our circulation increases monthly. Leaders, make sure to encourage your new members to sign up for the newsletter using the ‘subscribe’ button located at the bottom of every page of the chicktime website, or you may enter them yourself anytime. Our system will automatically send your subscribed members the newsletter each month. It is simple, just type in their email address at the bottom of any page on our site!
The newsletter is a great tool to share your vision and to keep up with all things Chicktime. Each chapter enjoys the benefits from the synergy of other chapters and we certainly function as a family. Each chapter is dedicated to making the world better and we innately understand that the only way this will happen is if we work together and support each other! Your biggest cheerleaders will be your sister chapters in communities around this great country.
Yes, you heard correctly, our goal is to encourage women to form Chicktime Chapters in every community across America.
Please contact Lori Rhodes today to learn more about starting a Chicktime Chapter in your community!