*New Braunfels News
Chicktime New Braunfels is so grateful for all of our amazing volunteers. We are looking to expand our leadership team, if you are interested please reach out to Katy at 830-708-5263 (text pleaese)

January Update:
Our January work shop was beyond amazing! So many talented children.
They created their own inspiration shirts with the help of leaders and volunteers. A delicious home cooked meal was served and can’t forget the dessert! This activity amazed the children! We can’t wait to do it again!
November Update:
October Update:

September Update:

August Update:

July Update:

May Update:

March Update:
I was blown away by all of the connection and care our community brought to the kids at the shelter tonight! The Havenwood Neighbors and friends at Texas state put together such a great meal. The kids loved the sides and were so excited about Chick-fil-A and brownies! Thank you for helping us feed those babies an exciting thoughtful meal tonight!
A big thank you to Shari at Herbaria Healing Arts who taught the kids about oils. She brought beautiful various colored glass roller bottles that the kids selected and we learned all about oils and what each one can do to improve our health. The kids had so much fun partnering with the volunteers who made custom rollers for each kids needs it was really cool to see them transition to calm and happy towards the end of the night. Thank you to WIN at TX State and to all the new and returning volunteers ! Y’all are the heart beat of our chapter, y’all are the ones that share our love and joys with these kids.
I’m so blessed to serve with y’all and I hope to meet new volunteers next month ! Please reach out if you’re interested in getting involved with our chapter and serving next month!
February Update:
It was a beautiful night full of laughter and creativity at Connections Individual and Family Services . There were so many new faces this month that really brought out their creative side’s. This was one of the biggest groups I’ve been apart of since first volunteering. The group started out the night by enjoying Garfield’s favorite lasagna and then moved on to creating inspirational t-shirt’s. The kids were able to create their own shirts and display their motivational words, while also showing off their artistic skills. Thank you so much to everyone that helped make this a great night for the many children we served.
December Update:
We didn’t have an official workshop this December, but Christmas was in the air at Connections so we joined in….,and we got to celebrate with the big man himself. Not only did we get to take photos with Santa we also got to decorate cookies with him! Excited and looking forward to what next year has to bring! Happy holidays and God bless from us to you!
October Update:

September Update:
Tonight we had a blast at chicktime! We got to practice our individuality by making our own pillow cases. Thank you to Traniece for such a fun and unique activity. A big thank you also goes out to Bridget Sy for all the food she blessed the kids with including chicken casserole and rice. There was not a hungry belly in sight. Spending just a couple hours with these great kids brings me joy beyond words.
July Update:
Tonight at Connections Individual and Family Services was another amazing event for the kids.Thank you Lori for providing a family style feast on Panda Express, the kids savored every bite !We would like to thank Merillee Wisk Berger for all the activities she brought. Let’s not forget a big thank you to Guardians of the Children – hill country for donating all the stuffed animals, bracelets, and stickers.
The children had an amazing time and the room was filled with laughter, joy, and happiness. We want to thank all the volunteers for the continued help and support for the children. Be sure to follow our Facebook page with updates for upcoming events.
June Update:

April 2023:
Chicktime fieldtip to the Headwaters was a success ! The kids had a great meal in nature and learned so much on our tour of the Headwaters at the Comal. Thank you to all of our volunteers that fed, taught and connected with the kids at Connections Individual and Family Services
March Update:
January Update:
Chicktime tonight couldn’t have been sweeter we had the perfect cold weather meal and made Valentine’s Day cards. The fellowship was wonderful. If you’d like to volunteer with amazing humans who serve incredible youth meet us the last Monday of every month for a really great time.
Thank you to all our volunteers who braved the cold weather to give the youth a little piece of heaven tonight !
November Update:

October Update:

July Update:
Chicktime last night was full of fellowship and joy !
Join us next month at Connections Individual and Family Services
April Update:

March Update:

February Update:

January Update:

October Update:

September Update:
Chicktime New Bruanfels Downtown met last night for our monthly workshop .
Pizza, dominoes, greeting cards, goat milk soap, great conversation.
Two hours … hearts changed.
Please consider hanging out with us one month.
The kids need role models.
The kids need to laugh.
The kids need to feel encouraged.
The kids need people in their corner.
July Update:

It was a blessed evening and we can’t wait to be back in August!…
If you find yourself disappointed that Chicktime New Braunfels Downtown doesn’t have volunteer activities you are in a good place to explore the idea of building a team and re-launching the chapter! The children at Connections love our workshops and we feel the call to find a new leadership team to continue the legacy started there. The children at Connections have faced many hardships and Chicktime workshops offer them hope and encouragement and of course lots of love and laughter.
If you have a heart for children and/or if you have supported Chicktime New Braunfels Downtown from the sidelines and want to do more….now is the time to act! We will give you all the training you need and help you transition into the leadership role.
Please contact, Lori Rhodes, Chicktime Founder, at info@chicktime.com for more information. Feel free to look up chicktime.com and find out more about being a Chicktime leader. We promise it’s easy, not time consuming and will change your life.
Come be blessed by being a blessing!
January Update:
Our Chicktime Partner is a 90 day emergency shelter for foster kids. Since Covid started, we have not been allowed to go there. We can drop things off on their porch though. They actually have one case of Covid at the moment.
Dropped off this snowman cake to celebrate the end of January. A basket of “snowballs” was also dropped off along with the instructions for a “Snowball Fight”. You can read the rules in one of the pictures.
After the snowball fight, they were told to not throw them away since there was a message in each snowball. Hope they had fun!!! I decided to make the snowman cake because I make it every year for my son who is 23 years old now! Then I thought up the snowball fight and found rules for the snowball fight online and changed them a bit.
Happy End of January!!
Chicktime New Braunfels Downtown will not be meeting in the month of May. As much as we miss our workshops and time with our Chicktime kids we want to keep everyone safe! We hope to resume things soon.
If you have any ideas on how you can love the kids from a distance like sending cards, snacks or activities….let us know. We will ask our charity partner how you can fulfill your idea and help you as much as we can be a blessing to our sweet kids
Sending our love,
Chicktime New Braunfels Downtown Leadership Team
February Update:
God is using you because you are strong enough to do His work. ???? What a wonderful evening we had yesterday @ Connections! The talented Lora Williams captured everyone’s hearts as she spoke about the choices we have in life & the endless love that He has for us. She unapologetically told the story of her past (the good, the bad & the ugly) to connect to the teens in ways we couldn’t have imagined!
Thank you Lora & thank you to all the Chicktime volunteers for pouring your love into children that need it so much. We are grateful for all of you!
October Workshop:
Wow what a great turnout for our 1st official workshop!
We had a great time decorating masks and getting into the Halloween spirit @ Connections!
The kiddos, volunteers and staff enjoyed some Frito Pie and bonding time!
Just an all around good time!
Happy Halloween! Hope to see you next month!