June News

Do you ever look at the world we’re living in and think about its impact on our children? With reality shows that teach children lessons they shouldn’t be learning, role models who glorify unrealistic futures, school cultures where children strive to fit and are willing to sacrifice everything to do it. It paints a grim picture. I don’t know about you, but my heart breaks for these children, especially the ones who’ve been betrayed or neglected by the ones who should love them most.
I’ve always believed in giving back, and serving others. It’s how I find purpose and meaning in life. I found ways to do that in my church. But after a while it wasn’t enough for me. I started to feel a little lost – like I was just going through motions – that I was supposed to be somewhere else. My heart kept crying for the needs out there – the needs of the children that aren’t being reached – who have nobody. I was being called, I just didn’t know where. Then somebody told me about Chicktime.
It only took one event for me to fall in love with the Chicktime movement – the idea of connecting the gifts and passions of women with the children who need them most. It’s hard to explain, but from the very first event I could feel the energy and the spirit of people who were truly determined to change the next generation through small simple acts of service.
What I love about Chicktime is that it’s not complicated. You can step right in and help. These children don’t need fancy, they just need you. To sit with them. Listen to them. Play with them. To help them find purpose and belonging again. To show them that there will be people who will love them. The children in these group homes need to know that there are women who will love them without being paid for it.
I thought I went into Chicktime to serve, but it was kind of the opposite. Being with those children has changed my life. I have found purpose and meaning – in the eyes of a shy child’s smile of joy because I simply offered to read her a book.
I still worry about the future for our children. That hasn’t changed. But now….I’m doing something about it. If you think bringing hope to just one child doesn’t mean much – then let me show you somebody who doesn’t have any.
If you feel that same urgent need to do something. If you feel that tug on your heart that you need something more. Or if you know exactly what it feels like to have nobody to love you. Then maybe it’s time you join the Chicktime movement. Because you may be the only hope that child sees.
Please email Joann at joann.vanort@gmail.com if you would like to join us and share your gifts with the ones who need it most. I promise, it will change your life.
All my love,