June News

-Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.-I Peter 4-8 (1)

June 2016 artbeativite

Isn’t it inspiring when a certain idea keeps coming up through different sources in a short period of time? That’s when I feel compelled to listen to the wisdom and apply it to my life.  Recently the idea of one foot in front of the other gets you the farthest has been a message I keep seeing everywhere. You can sum this up in one word; Process. Its definition: a series of actions or steps taken in order to achieve a particular end. How many times have you felt caught up in the goal instead of enjoying the process of the moments leading up to the achievement of that goal? One of the places I found this message was in SPIN Selling. Neil Rackham offers his best advice to close business. His researched methods and statistical measurements provide  the reader instructions on how to close deals through identifying a potential customer’s problems and showing them how the solutions of their companies product/service will mitigate the pains of those problems. He dedicated a chapter in the end of his book on how to apply the first 6 chapters of theory into a skill set. How difficult it is, to do so if you decide to conquer every step involved at once. You must become a master of the first step without judgment of quality, and with persistence and appropriate places. Otherwise overwhelming anxiety will deplete your energy in creating a foundation for your knowledge to be transcended into tangible action.

I have been the worst critique of myself when it comes to reaching a goal. Constantly I need to remind my self to be kind in my efforts of living in the moment to accomplish what I set forth. Through repetition, hard work, and focusing on the first step at hand, instead of being overwhelmed by the frustration of not having it perfect the first time, you surrender your need for perfection. This will give you freedom to make mistakes, which ultimately delivers you success.  Everything builds on top of what you have placed on the bottom, so make sure humility and perseverance is at the basis of what you do. Know that you can achieve what ever you put your mind and action into doing.

This was yet another amazing, fun event for the kids. Thank you for persevering through the challenges that we face to keep giving Casa Kids consistent love through showing up. Its something they are not use to. Until next time, live with courage, beauty and love. <3
