June News
May Update
Thank you Lora Williams for organizing this month’s Chicktime activities. Our first leader talked about God’s love and how he gives us gifts to use. We learned how to ask God to put it in our heart and were led as we prayed together in a circle. Station two taught us how to be encouraging and loving to ourselves. We put scrapbook words on a paper brick and then decorated cupcakes with a word of encouragement. Our next station consisted of chalkboard paper with a reflective mirror where we wrote the things we see in ourselves and then looked at our reflection in the mirror. Finally, Lora shared her childhood story and talked on forgiveness and how to forgive. We shared our thoughts on the kind of love we each look for by placing our words on post-it notes on poster board hearts. All these activities brought home one of our constant messages: “I am enough”. Thanks to all the volunteers who showed up to make it a full-filling day for the girls at New Life.