June News

Please join us for 2 hours of imagining, creating and building your Dream Car with

the children at Florida Baptist Children’s Homes! Natalie Romero will lead an afternoon of learning about engineering and later on racing in a fun balloon Car Race!

We need your help!…All those recycled materials at home or elsewhere that you can find, please bring them!…WE will be using recycled materials to create our Dream Car… so start dreaming!

Chicktime Monthly Leader:

Natalie Romero

Co Leaders:

Jennifer Puig, Jessica Freites


Saturday, June 1st , 2013


1:00 -3:00pm


Florida Baptist Children’s Homes

                7748 S.W. 95th Terrace, Miami, FL 33156

Please register for event by emailing jennifer.puig@gmail.com  or by clicking “register” under the events calendar!

Thank you for helping us bring hope and encouragement to children who call Florida Baptist Children’s Homes their home :)


 May Highlights:

Our second Chicktime Activity with Co-Leader Heather Perez was fun and creative in every way!We had a blast out in the sun warming up while singing and dancing and later on got to create a story to tell onstage!. We had dancers, singers, artists and script writers! It was great to see it come all together. We finished by sitting down in a circle reminding each other to always repeat the following:

“I am the best and I deserve the best!”

We invite you to do the same!

Thank you to all the volunteers that came out to support, dance, sing, create and move with the children who shared and expressed their creativity and imagination!

I look forward to collaborating with all of you to serve and invite more women to lock arms as well and welcome new volunteers to partake in this amazing journey!

You are all beautiful!

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