June News

May Event Recap


Nothing beats a warm day in May at Ferry Park with footballs, kickballs, soccer balls, and a rowdy bunch of fun kids.  After getting fueled up on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in the dugouts, the children cycled through soccer and football drills.  The highlight of the day for the children was most likely Team Kids’ total domination of Team Chicktime in a super-official kickball game on the baseball field.




The highlight of the day for some of the volunteers, on the other hand, was most likely when a couple of the kids started writing “I <3 Chicktime” in the infield.  Near the end of the event, the kids were asked to pick out a ball to bring home, as all the balls were provided through a generous donation by Jared & Jennifer Schafer of Albany, New York.  We were thrilled to have some new volunteers give their time and energy this month, as well.  Thank you all!


Upcoming June Event


On Saturday, June 15th, Chicktime will be hosting a Beach & Fishing Day from 9:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.  Whether you’d like to donate time or help fund the event, your support of Chicktime is always much appreciated.  Simply e-mail chicktimefwb@gmail.com to get plugged in!