July News

June Activity
Hosted by Rachel Poe
My name is Rachel Poe and I am a senior at Johnson High School working on my Gold Project for girl scouts. My project idea led me to Chicktime San Antonio who helped line me up to lead Chicktime San Antonio’s June’s activity. It was held on June 26th with goal of teaching self-esteem. We started out with a prayer, thanking our Lord for the time we were able to share together and then we all took turns introducing ourselves. The presentation began with the word “self-esteem” giving them a formal definition and my definition. Then we all participated in our first activity, which gave each girl an opportunity to write one positive quality that she had that made her feel special and unique. We all took turns sharing our quality to the group.
I played an animated clip for the girls illustrating the idea that life is easier when you have someone you can lean on.  After the video, we participated in another activity, where the girls gathered in a circle, taking turns sharing positive qualities and traits about each other. The person sitting to the right of each girl, would write all the positive characteristics that were being said about that one individual. One girl was so uplifted by her qualities shared by her peers, she sang for the entire group.  
After each girl had a turn, I shared a personal experience I had, when I struggled with self esteem. I told the girls not to let other people influence how they should view themselves. If a group of people don’t accept you for who you are, become friends with others who will.
I finished off the evening with a worksheet that I created for the girls that was an “all about me(them)” activity, where they had the opportunity to draw a picture of themselves and fill out blanks that were all about them. While the girls finished up the worksheets, we closed with cookies and lemonade. Reminding the girls, one last time, how important each one is and not to let anybody else tell them otherwise. 
I would like to thank Setan home, Casa de Milagros, and Chicktime San Antonio for allowing my Gold award project possible. 
Rachel Poe
A note from Chicktime San Antonio Chapter leaders
Thank you Rachel for blessing the girls at Casa Del Milagros! We look forward to next month!
Annette, Donnette, and Letty
“May The LORD bless you and protect you. May The LORD smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you HIS favor and give you HIS peace.”
– Numbers 6:24-26