July News

On Thursday, July 10th we will have a combination Discover Chicktime Hope/Globalife Collection Party (event details below). This is an opportunity to learn more about Chicktime Hope and our upcoming plans. At the same time we will be collecting donations for our July event, which supports Globalife Journeys. Karen will be joining the team from Florida going to Guatemala and for the third year in a row Chicktime Hope will be collecting items that will go to assist women and children in an emergency shelter for abused women. These women and children usually arrive with nothing, as often they are fleeing extreme violence and don’t have time to pack.

Even if you cannot attend the event on July 10th, we will arrange to pick up items if you can donate. We have the ability to take three large suitcases full of supplies and would really like to fill them. Please consider making a donation of items or cash which can be used to buy the items.

We are collecting:

Toys for the kids – play-doh & bubble bottles/toys (these must be new/unopened due to airline restrictions), jumpropes, frisbees, soccer balls, basketballs, footballs (nerf or inflatable)


Craft supplies for the kids and moms – paper, crayons, markers, pen, glue, scissors, coloring books, etc.


Medicines (new, unopened, over-the-counter) including basic cold and flu meds, pain relievers, antiacids, bandaids, disinfectant, hydrogen peroxide.

Items for babies – clothing, cloth diapers, bottles, toys, formula (new, unopened with Spanish instructions on container)

-Hygiene product needs include: toilet paper, sanitary pads, shampoo, soap, laundry soap, cleaning supplies such as bleach, tooth brushes, tooth paste, etc.


-We are also always in need of good second hand clothes for children of different ages.

Also, several Kindles have been donated to the shelter so Amazon gift cards to purchase school and spiritual books would be good.

Finally, when the women are able to safely leave the shelter they are in need of luggage since they usually come with nothing. We are in need of 2 Large suitcases to be donated that will be left at the shelter.

The event will be held on Thursday, July 10th from 7:30pm – 9:00 pm at Karen’s house – 8000 Forrest Crossing, Live Oak 78233. Snacks, drinks and desserts will be served. We will show videos from prior visits to Guatemala that Chicktime Hope supported. Please come and bring friends, and ask your friends to donate as well! These women and children lose everything in a country when very little is had to begin with. They are beautiful, special people and the trips have always been a huge blessing to them. Again, if you can donate but not attend we can arrange to pick up items. Karen will be packing items that night and leaving on the 15th to meet the team in Houston, and together they will travel to Guatemala. Thank you for your continued support!


Please RSVP for event/donation pickup on our public FB event or by emailing hope@chicktime.com.  Thanks so much for your support!!


June Highlights

We did not have a formal event in June. Pictures from our July trip will be posted after the trip!