January News

you are more important


Chicktime Colorado invites you to celebrate

The New Year and A New YOU!

Chick Leader: Nohea March

When: Saturday, January 25, 2014

Time: 10am to 12pm


1 Vision boards and journals

2 Time capsule and soup bar

3 Valentine science and snacks

Where: El Pueblo Kids Ranch

1 El Pueblo Ranch Way

Pueblo, CO 81006

Please register for workshop directly to Nohea March at: nmarch.onelove@gmail.com OR by clicking on register under our events calendar!

December Highlights:

We began December with bringing gifts to Family Life Services to make their Christmas special!!! Thank you to all of our Colorado Chicks who bought, wrapped and delivered these gifts to families who have so very little!

FLS Christmas

Our December workshop was lead by Cathi Trippe and Angela Kirk. The El Pueblo children were thoroughly inspired by Angela’s introduction to yoga and Cathi’s workshop on making their very own dream catchers!!!  Huge thank you to Cathi and Angela  🙂



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