January News



Start your new year right with a Chicktime event.   Join us on January 11th at 8:15 for fun activites with the girls living at New Life Children’s Center.   If you have a daughter age 12 or order, it is a great event to do together.  See our events page to register.   


December Highlights


It was a Merry Little Christmas at New Life on December 14th.  Canyon Lake and San Antonio Hope Chicktime chapters partnered together to spread the joy to the 80 girls residing at the New Life Children’s Center.  There were plenty of volunteers to engage with the girls and make the day special with lots of activities.  Praise and worship raised the roof of the gym with a fabulous praise band leading us in songs of the season.    Delicious holiday goodies were enjoyed by all; flowing chocolate fountain, homemade candies, cookies, sandwiches, and punch.  Then, the exciting visit from Santa Clause!  Each girl received an individual photo with Santa to keep and save in their own Christmas frame that they made themselves.   Other fun activities served as ice breakers; each of us wrote 3 words on our nametag and people had to guess what animal your words described.  Always fun and inspirational is the paper taped to your back where people wrote positive comments about you.  Best of all, each girl received a gift to keep.  The gift consisted of a colorful gym bag filled with bath and body lotions, snuggly socks, a Chicktime sweatshirt and a book written by Lori Rhodes entitled Prayers Over Our Children.  Lori, Carolyn and Liz want to say a big thank you to all the volunteers who came to enjoy our Christmas celebration with the girls at New Life.  Blessings for a wonderful New Year and hope you will join us for our January event.