Health Fair!!
This month’s workshop will be a combination of several workshops in one. We will have Ms. Kelley from Mary Kay coming to teach the children about proper skin care. Mr. Ricky will be bringing his Men’s Basketball Team over for a basketball clinic and Mr. Will from Wiregrass 2-1-1’s “Help Me Grow” will be coming to talk to the parents in attendance about some of the available resources in our area for their child’s health and wellness. It’s sure to be a packed day and we can’t wait to see you there!
May Updates:
For Chicktime May, Ms. Caitlin and Ms. Michaela brought us water day and we had a blast! The sun was hot and the water was cool! We started the day with water balloon dodge ball and baseball. We quickly realized that water balloons and baseball don’t mix very well and pretty much everyone hit home runs every time they stepped up to bat! Next, we played Pictionary with sidewalk chalk and let’s just say… we have some very creative kids! They drew everything from umbrellas to flip flops! After we had a huge water balloon fight, the kids tried to fill mason jars with a spoonful of water and it’s a good thing we were all already wet because the driveway was soaked! With one bubbles and one final water rocket bash, we wrapped up the day! We certainly had a great time today and we can’t thank our workshop leaders enough for providing us with lots of fun and laughs today! Thank you to all of our new volunteers that came today as well!