Welcome Kay!

Hi Everyone! While I’m extremely excited to serve as Co-Leader, the unexpected loss of our friend and Co-Leader Jessica, is still difficult. I’m extremely thankful to have volunteered at the last workshop, with Jessica. You see, I was quite tired that Friday afternoon and I almost did not go. However, it just wasn’t sitting well with me to sit that workshop out. I spent more time noticing that I should get up and go, instead of starting the nap I thought I wanted to take. I am so thankful that I got back up and went to that workshop. I did not know that would be the last time I would see Jessica.

It was such a blessing to hear that Jessica enjoyed the workshop! I enjoyed it was well! We were decorating journals with our participants and I remember thinking how wonderful it was that Jessica not only had a heart to serve others and drove a very long way to do so, but she also brought her kids to each workshop! They always interact so well with our participants.

I remember also thinking how each of her 3 kids are actual bundles of love!! Kelsie is so much fun to talk and laugh with! And, as I was also decorating a journal, Jessica’s 2 little guys were sitting next to me & encouraging me with “good job, good job” while I doodled! ???? It was the cutest and sweetest thing of that day…especially since my drawing truly were doodles! Yet, they were cheering me on! ????

So I’m thankful for that very fond memory of being able to have spent time with Jessica, truly not knowing how special that afternoon would end up being. I’m also thankful to have listened to the promptings to go, so that I wouldn’t miss that opportunity.

I look forward to serving with Morgan and building our Dayton Chapter!! We welcome your support, prayers and positive encouragement as we work together to find a new charity partner and reach out to those who need us most!! – ❤️