Food Fiesta!

August Update:

Well we had a slight change of plans this past weekend for our monthly workshop. Chicktime Nashville volunteers always step up to the plate and know how to pivot! Since Suzette couldn’t attend, Anna stepped in and led our workshop. With some fun and eat craftiness. We made THE cutest paper craft with tissue paper and glue. Soooo easy but filled the two hour time block.
Anna said it best, “When you give them something mindless to do with their hands they start talking. It allows them to open up about hard and often traumatic things that they’d otherwise shoulder alone.”
She is so right. It gives them a chance to be heard and a chance to be seen. Topics ranged from death of parents, to abuse, even to miscarriages. Yeah you read that right. Some have lives hard lives. Our home has dropped in number due to age outs, transitioning back to homes, and sadly being removed and placed back in behavioral care. My heart breaks each time we lose one back to west Tn. I want to shake my fists in anger and cry how unfair it is. One of our girls said, “I’ve pretty much given up on being adopted and having a family to call my own.” she’s about to age out into Independent Living program. I wanted so badly to say, ”I’ll take you and call you mine.” But it doesn’t work that way.
We had a great time even when the lulls of sadness floated in the air after hard things were spoken. Selene regaled us with her fascinating career of being a former police officer and we had a NEW volunteer named Sarah! We are so blessed that we have been able to expand our volunteer base and bring more women into the fold to share their gifts and love on our girls.