Flower Pot Painting!
February Update:
Chicktime New Braunfels celebrated Valentines with the teen moms, babies and one very active toddler that live at SJRC.

We had homemade Lasagna and Caesar Salad ( thank you Cathy Bohne)… Strawberry Cupcakes and a homemade cookie cake with every kind of soda you can imagine ( thank you Donnette Tyler) and a Valentine craft designed, cut and prepped by Mari Alexander! Extra special Volunteers – Laura Najvar , Terri Villanueva and Ashley Williams rocked and fed babies so moms could chill, create, and chow- and everyone served, praised, and encouraged!!

Toward the end of our time together… one of the teen moms asked if she could have our attention… the room got quiet.
She thanked Chicktime for dinner and the craft and for just showing up! We asked her if she knew why we showed up every month? Her response was “cause you love us and no one else does”. There was silence in the room for a bit… and perhaps a few tears shed… if we come for anything at all… we come for that!! We absolutely 100 percent want the young moms and their children to know they are loved !!

Thank you for supporting Chicktime New Braunfels! Make it the year you come serve with us in person or if you would like to help with meals… reach out to us!

We can do the shopping and cooking if you would like to send gift cards!
All our love,
Brittney and Erica
Chicktime New Braunfels Chapter Leaders