About Our Chapter

” Follow what you are genuinely passionate about and let that guide you to your destination” Diane Sawyer



Hi my name is Holly La Rosa, I am a wife married to my high school sweetheart, mom of three boys; twins that are four and a two year old.  They keep me very busy, but I wouldn’t change it for anything.


I have a strong faith in God, which keeps me going on my pursuit to help others who are in need.  I have always lived with the belief that God has blessed me so I must help others in return.


I am excited to share my Chicktime chapter with you.  If you have ever thought about volunteering, this is the place for you. Each woman has a gift, please come share your gift and passion with a child in need.  Be the change you want to see in the world…..


Thank you and God Bless,


Holly La Rosa
