About Our Chapter



Hello and welcome to Chicktime Deerfield Beach!

My name is Ana, and I am the Managing Chapter Leader of Chicktime Deerfield.  I am so happy you stopped by our website, and I hope you can join us for a workshop soon!

I have been a volunteer at Chicktime Deerfield for a few months, since I heard the original founder was moving out of town, I stepped in and asked to be the managing leader. I have always had a passion for volunteering in our community, I believe serving people and uplifting those around us is a powerful way of showing and spreading God’s love. The mission of Chicktime is extra special to me, because we serve children by empowering women and families to experience the transforming gratification of offering a helping hand to those in need.  I also have great support from family and friends that also feel the need to give to the community and are willing to go above and beyond to bring love, time, and dedication to our precious children.

I’ve learned throughout my journey that the act of giving elicits positive feelings and emotions for both the giver and the receiver, making it one of the most important exchanges you can have with someone. Serving For Chicktime, we give our time and love to those children who need it so much!

We would love for you to join us on our journey to add love and joy to the lives of these children. Our volunteers are what keeps our chapter going and that is why we need you too! If you’re interested in becoming a member or receiving event invitations, please don’t hesitate to reach out.

Thank you!

Ana Andujar





Our History:

Lily Humphreys founded Chicktime Deerfield Beach in 2022. She managed the chapter for about a year until she moved to Tampa for a job promotion. She loved everything about Chicktime and was so thrilled compassionate women  stepped up to keep the chapter going. She hopes to volunteer with Chicktime Tampa!