February News

We are so excited that we will be returning to Daily Bread to assist with their Thrift Store Second Blessing. We will meet there at 10am to sort and process incoming donations.  We love Daily Bread and hope you will join us!


January Highlights

Once again in January we participated in our Changing Directions program at the San Antonio Courthouse.  This is an event we do 4 times a year, speaking to girls age 11-17 who chose to participate in the program versus jail time for first time minor offenses.  Once again we had great participation from our ladies and, eventually, from the girls! They come in tough, wound up and closed off, not wanting to be there at all…but leave with smiles and encouragement and feeling much more confident in who they are.  We are SUPER excited that after this month’s program one of the 17 year old girls contacted us after the event because they want to get involved with Chicktime! What a testimony!!!