Diaper Dash Challenge!!


We are very, very excited about our June opportunity! Every June Chicktime Hope does something to support the Globalife Journeys Mission Trip to Guatemala. For the past two years we have been raising funds to stock the medical clinic we set up in the shelter. This year we are excited to announce our Diaper Dash Challenge! Due to the extreme poverty of the women in the shelter and the limited funds from the government to support them, the women are forced to use t-shirts as diapers for their babies. Unfortunately, due to the lack of available or excess clothing, these same t-shirts are also worn by their siblings when not being used as diapers. Babies stay in wet or soiled diapers far too long because of the lack of diapers, leading to diaper rashes and often severe infections. Well, no more! This year our goal is to collect cloth diapers – A LOT OF THEM – so the women will have real diapers for their babies and the other siblings can wear clothing that is not also previously soiled. We believe this will not only reduce infections in the babies but help the overall morale of the women and their other children.

So how can you help? Easy! Simply click this link http://www.amazon.com/OsoCozy-Prefolds-Unbleached-Cloth-Diapers and order a six pack of the SIZE 2 Diapers (please note I changed this after talking to several moms…the size 2 will be usable longer). Enter your billing information and use the shipping address: Karen L. Smith, 13333 Blanco Rd. Ste. 220, San Antonio, TX 78216. Karen will collect all the diapers and deliver them in country on July 15th. Due to the need to pack, all diapers must be delivered no later than June 30th. You can also send an Amazon Gift Card to specialksmith@hotmail.com and designate it is for diapers and Karen will take care of the order and shipping (which is free because she is an Amazon Prime member). If you live in San Antonio and want to have the diapers delivered to you, just shoot us an email at hope@chicktime.com and Karen, Crystal or Teresa will pick up the diapers!
Special Announcement
And speaking of Teresa – who is that you ask? Teresa Jones is the newest member of our Chicktime Hope leadership team. Please visit the Meet The Leaders page on our Chicktime Hope page and learn more about Teresa!
May Highlights
We had another outstanding time at the San Antonio Municipal Courthouse with our Changing Directions Program. The girls felt so loved on and so valued, and our team was equally impacted. This continues to be such a remarkable event as this month we had one gal who suffered from severe anxiety issues who was so greatly impacted she didn’t want the day to end! We are so proud of the amazing volunteers who continue to make this program such a success!!
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