December News

November Highlights

Giving Thanks with Casa de Milagros

On November 10th, we gathered at Casa de Milagros (House of Miracles) at Seton Home to celebrate Thanksgiving. We were fortunate to have a wonderful volunteer, Patsy Delgado, who was able to give the girls a lesson on the history of Thanksgiving and American traditions. This was followed by a food craft—making turkeys out of Oreos, Candy Corn, Red Hots, and Whoppers. Check out the picture!
While the girls were doing crafts, we had bunches of volunteers setting a beautiful Thanksgiving table with real dishes, crystal, silverware, and gorgeous centerpieces. The girls were shocked when they walked into the dining room and saw how it had been transformed. We then held hands and prayed in Thanksgiving for all of the blessings that had been bestowed upon us. The girls dined on turkey, dressing, gravy, cranberries, green beans, sweet potatoes, hot rolls, pumpkin pie, and apple pie. Many started off hesitantly as they had never tried some of the foods before. But, they all lined up for seconds and then took leftovers for the next day. Everyone had smiles on their faces by the end of the evening
photo 3
The girls all received bags of Mixed Blessings snack mix as they left– thanks to our wonderful donor, Jeanne Schaeffer. Each ingredient within the snack mix represented something special about Thanksgiving and was explained in Spanish on the tag.
2013-11-10 Mixed Blessings Snack
We want to thank all of the volunteers that showed up to help and those that made contributions. Special thanks goes out to the Johnson High School Key Club and other teens for providing babysitting services for the infants and toddlers that reside at Casa de Milagros.
2013-11-10 Volunteers

Christmas at Casa de Milagros

Please note that there will not be a December activity. However, we want to thank all of the donors that contributed money so that we could purchase special Christmas presents for the residents of Casa de Milagros.

Leaders Needed for 2014

We are in need of volunteers to lead activities in 2014! Are you passionate about crafts, yoga, cooking, Zumba dancing, photography, or playing an instrument? Chicktime needs you! Think of the difference you can make in the lives of young girls. We promise you will gain more from the experience than you give. Please contact our volunteer coordinator, Donnette Tyler, at donnette.tyler@gmail.com if you are interested in leading or if you have questions about the requirements.
Blessings & Thanks to All,
Diane, Donnette, & Annette
“Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good; his love endures forever”
– Psalm 107:1