Cross Decorating!
August Update:
AUGUST 2019 project of fabric sandal decorating was a huge success! All the girls had a great time designing their own sandals and were so grateful to us.
The highlight was bonding with them and telling them that we love them and that we pray for them always. Thanks to our workshop leader Amanda Naranjo for a fun day! A couple of girls came to us on behalf of all the residents to tell us how much we are appreciated. That just made our day! Our hearts melted! Little do they know how much that touches our hearts!
Thank you to all our volunteers for giving of your time for this wonderful nonprofit we call “Chicktime.” Without you, we wouldn’t be able to touch so many hearts.
As always a huge thank you to HEB for providing all the snacks and drinks – you too are so valuable to our chapter. God bless all of you and enjoy looking at their completed project ♡♡♡.