About Our Chapter

Hi! My name is Sharlene Eckhardt and I am the founder and Managing Leader for Chicktime Converse. Several years ago I was introduced to Chicktime by a friend and served with my daughter. The experience was such a special time for me and I knew one day when I was able to devote more time to volunteering I would revisit Chicktime!

Fast forward~ the  same friend who introduced me to Chicktime years ago was looking for someone to launch a new Chicktime Chapter for a new teen mom program at Boysville Children’s Home where her chapter serves the teen girls that live there. I knew God was calling me to step up and do this and I boldly said YES! 

Chicktime Converse meets the 1st Saturday of the month. If you are like me and looking for a place to consistently serve….Please join us. Let’s rise up and stand in the gap for the teen moms and their children. 

All For HIS glory,
