Coeur d ‘Alene News

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We are sad to see you go, but we pray all good things for you!

July Update~

We hope everyone is staying cool during record temps all over the United States. 

We did not meet in July. 

June Update:

Our June workshop was all out Summer Fun! 

Any time we gather is FUN!!

Join us one month. 

May Update:

Summer fun means flip flops and sunshine. 


April Update:

We loved participating in the campus Easter Egg Hunt. 

See you next month.

March Update:

Hey Chicktime Coeur d’Alene…. We are back to in person workshops! We got together “softly” for March … did a simple but sweet craft to ease back into things!!
Here we go again! Thank you God for the opportunity to serve !


February Update:


We overwhelmed our charity partner with candy and love! 


January Update:

We were not able to meet in January. We met with our charity partner and made plans to resume in person workshops next month. We are hopeful we can meet safely . Stay tuned. 

December Update:

Chicktime Coeur d’Alene wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

We hope you will join us in 2022 to serve our community with us! #loveoneanother


November Update:

Blessing others is so fun! Hope to be back in person in 2022! 


October Update:

A little Halloween fun is our drop off workshop this month!!
We always need help… come be a blessing!!


September Update:

September workshop…
Cupcakes and staff appreciation…

August Update:

Did you know that school supplies is something that is needed all year long?

We appreciate the donations now to get the kids started off on the right foot, but if you ever see something on sale~ pick it up! Supplies always need to be replenished.



July Update:

We hope our July efforts will bless the people at UGM. We are in this life for the purpose of helping each other along the way. Join us as we try to do our part!

June Update:

Bubbles, Popcicles, and sidewalk chalk. So fun!

May Update:

Many thank you’s  to Zooey & Barb for putting together this Mother’s Day project!!
It was an amazing day at the Woman and Children’s Center. We are so excited to be back on campus.

April Update:


Loving on the Woman & Children Center with sidewalk chalk & a yummy homemade snack!

Super excited to be back on campus next month.

March Update:

Another successful drop off, a little something to get their saving started with a little activity to help them understand the importance of doing it.

…..And best of all we were given the ok to return to the building in May. Limited but super excited to get back on campus.

February Update:

January Update: 

We miss our kiddo’s, staff, & volunteers! This month the kids enjoyed hot coco & snowman coloring!

December Update:

Special Air Delivery from Santa…personalized Santa letters to the Children at UGM Women and Children’s Center.

November Update:

Another drop-off success! We had fun making these and of course the kiddos loved eating them, lol!

October Update:

Halloween treats and activities for the special people at UGM Center Women and Children!

September Update:

Butterfly kisses Arts and Crafts~

A huge thank you to this months workshop volunteers Zooey and Barb. We miss everyone so much but we are thankful we an still show our love in small ways!

July Update:

Movie night with Mom Baskets delivered…everyone had a blast!! Can’t wait until we can be face to face again.

We are making these baskets to drop off for the movie night with mom!

We continue to do our part to stop the spread of Covid-19….therefore we will not be having a May workshop. We will keep everyone updated about the following months.
We miss our volunteers and can’t wait for our workshops to resume so we can hang out and play with our kids!
Be well,
Chicktime Coeur ‘Alene Leadership Team

March Update:

Another great event… we incorporated St Patrick day with March Madness!

Our bucket ball had to be moved inside due to blizzard like weather, brrrrrr
It was cold out!!

February Update:

Things are moving and shaking at Chicktime Coeurd ‘Alene!!

Had so much fun & involvement Saturday with Sandpaper Art!

Every workshop is a blessing….
And this one certainly was too!!

January Update:

The smiles say it all!!

The weather did not stop us from having fun!

We made snow molds….

igloo building….

and got warm with cookies and cocoa!

See you next month!

December Update:

Merry Christmas Y’all… GingerBread Design. These Woman and Children warm my heart.

Aren’t these houses adorable!! Fun was had by all…

November Update:

Gooble! Gooble!

Fun times making pudding turkeys!

Our time with the kids is so special and our volunteers are THE best!

October Update:

We had so much fun today at the Woman & Children’s Center!

We colored trick or treat bags and made stress balls with flour!!

So honored to bless these moms & kiddo’s every month!! The kids were so cute in their costumes it was hard to judge!

September Update:

Another fabulous workshop at the Women and Children’s Center!

What a blessing….Next workshop can’t come fast enough!

August Update:

The beautiful Chicktime Volunteers who showed up to be crafty with us at our August workshop!

Everyone worked hard at making their own firefly!

That just so happen to light up in the dark!!!

So cool!

See you next month.

July Update:

Another fabulous event Military Appreciation! These kids are great…We made thank you cards and filled four boxes that will be sent to our troopers overseas.

Thank you to all Military and their families! I hope these boxes find you safe. Our prayers are always with you! Thank you to our Military Veterans in attendance…

June Update:

It was another fabulous day at UGM Women and Children Center… Cookie decorating & a little freeze tag, We just love these guys!

May Update:

Another great day at UGM Women and Children’s Center! Happy Mother’s Day!

It’s always a great day to serve!

April Update:

Chicketime CDA had a great, and successful, day last Saturday the 13th at the Union Gospel Mission with the kids.

We made chicks, paracord braceletts and had an egg race!! Everyone had a great time!!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our 1st Chicktime CDA workshop!!!