Charity Partner Engagement
Preparation for Children’s Home/Charity Partner Tour
There are charities in every community serving victims of abuse and neglect. The chapter leader will research organizations in her community that she is drawn to and pick one to begin volunteering with and build a personal relationship. The chapter leader will enjoy this time immensely and when she is ready to introduce the idea of Chicktime to this charity we will train her to do so. It is important to understand the process and have the list of talking points under your belt before proceeding with formal charity partner engagement. It will help ensure that you are prepared to answer the most important questions the charity/home will ask and information they will need to know. The following list is a compilation of THE most important points. They are written from the perspective of a tour with a children’s home but will easily tailor to a tour with a shelter that serves women and children. Please print them and take them with you when you have your tour.
Click to download: Talking Points for Children’s Home Tour
- Step 1: Update the Talking Points for Children’s Home Tour document
- Step 2: Study the document and get really comfortable with it.
- Step 3: Print out two copies of the Talking Points for Children’s Home Tour.
- Step 5: Highlight one copy to use as your notes when you meet with the children’s home. You will probably not have the time to cover each point on the tour/meeting so make sure to hit the biggies.
- Step 6: Put together a package for the volunteer coordinator (your contact) you meet with to include:
To include in your package for Children’s Home Tour/Meeting:
- a copy of the Talking Points for Children’s Home Tour document
- a personal letter from you and a personal volunteer/work/education/vision statement resume.
- Copy of the Chicktime book (print a brochure if you don’t purchase a hard copy from
- Copy of your annual schedule (filled out with the Names of the co-leader host, workshop leader, and activity for the next 12 months)
- LSSS article would be a nice touch, click to download and print: CT Article LSSS
- Presentation in a folder would be nice
Leave this package with your contact. Your contact may not be the decision maker and will need to present Chicktime to her boss for approval, or she may just like a copy for her files. On this note, if you suspect that your contact is not the decision maker PLEASE ask them to invite their boss, or the program director to hear your presentation.