Chicktime August~ Summer Fun!!!

July Update:

Every month, Chicktime Kansas City has the pleasure of bringing a monthly activity to the girls who live at Cornerstones of Care~Osanam Campus (pictured above). This month was no different. On July 15th, Sarah led us through a morning of art and games. The girls decorated canvases with permanent markers and then spritzed them with alcohol to make the colors run. This technique creates a beautiful watercolor effect. The girls personalized their art by writing an inspirational quote or their names using puffy paint. After the art activity, we played a game where the girls took turns trying to find the right path over a set of 16 tiles placed on the floor. The game was suppose to be a team building activity, but ended early due to some girls getting frustrated with each other and pictures of their art work could not be taken.

The girls reaction to the game we played is the very reason that  Chicktime Kansas City keeps  coming back. The girls need us! Their histories of abuse, neglect, domestic and community violence, multiple foster homes and psychiatric hospitalizations have lead to emotional and behavioral challenges. Volunteers such as Chicktime play a vital role in helping the girls heal and have a new beginning to reach their full potential.

We would love to have you join us next month as we continue to show the girls we love them….and no matter what will show up for them…through thick and thin!