August News
July Activity
We were once again blessed to have Rachel Poe leading our Chicktime activity this month. Rachel has been working toward her Girl Scout Gold Star award. She chose to work on her project with the girls at Casa de Milagros and presented a program on self-esteem.
The girls started out by looking in the mirror and then made a name tag that contained all of the qualities they didn’t like about themselves. They then tore up the name tags and threw them away. Rachel told them the story of God changing Jacob’s name to Israel and talked to the girls about how God created a unique and special name for each and every one and that when they look in the mirror they should look for their good qualities.
The girls discussed what they like about each other and then made new name tags with their special qualities. Each girl created her own shield with pictures and descriptions of goals, abilities and what they would be famous for one day. They each shared their unique qualities and dreams with each other. One is a good singer, one studies hard, and one is a good soccer player. One dreams of being a chef, one a beautician, and they all want to be good mothers. Rachel also showed some videos and played some upbeat music for everyone to enjoy. It was amazing seeing the girls’ transition to positive thinking and dreaming big!
Rachel brought along some friends to help with the babysitting and we all enjoyed playing and dancing with 5 little babies! We wish Rachel well as she completes her project and hope she comes back again.
Annette, Donnette & Letty
“For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.”
– Psalm 139:13-14