Aloha Party!
April Update:
God always provides…..
From the heart…
Well this past week I was really sweating it because my cousin passed away and I knew I needed to go to Mexico for his funeral! It was Chicktime Weekend and Diana, our other Chicktitime co-learder, could not attend because her daughter had her first volleyball tournament of the season and my sister had her granddaughters birthday party and well let’s just say there were a lot of obstacles to me leaving for a family funeral and Chicktime happening!!
I called my cousin Ana, who was signed up as the monthly leader and had been coming faithfully for over a year now and asked her if she thought she could do it alone ~(she was bringing two volunteers with her) her two nieces Abby and Andréa Arriata. She said “of course cousin”!
She did an amazing job, she said that when she got there she could hear the girls inside saying “it’s Chicktime, Chicktime is here”
The experience was life changing for the new volunteers and they can’t wait to come back. The devil wanted Chicktime Galveston not to happen this past Saturday, but God is so much more powerful.
We continute to build our Chicktime chapter and are so grateful when GOD provides just the right amount of volunteers to put on our monthly activity….with or without me!
All for HIS glory,
Elvia Gomez