Hello Summer!
April Update:
Today we gathered as we do every month at Boysville to lead an activity with the teen girls who live there. We don’t ever know what the mood or dynamics will be of the girls that come to us on a given Chicktime Saturday~ they are not only teenagers, but teenagers who for whatever reason can’t live safely in their own home. We can only imagine that they feel some sort of hopelessness and perhaps have broken hearts about what has led them to live at Boysville. Before the girls …came to us today, we gathered in prayer with the volunteers to ask God to bless our time and help the girls see HIM in us and by the tone of the workshop HE did just that. The girls came with open hearts and smiles and were ever so engaging in our activity and conversation. Workshop leader, Rosario Barrios, taught us how to make prayer bracelets. Learning how to make the bracelets initially takes a little bit of determination and practice, but once the girls learned how to make the special knots they were so proficient and proud! Rosario explanined to the girls that in the Catholic faith, these bracelets can be used like Rosaries to pray a specific prayer like the Hail Mary. The bracelets, however, are to help all Christians be faithful to a prayer life. Wearing the bracelets help us to remember to just be still and pray. They can help us be more focused in prayer by touching each knot and praying for someone specifically or in gratitude about someone/something. The lesson was that prayer is crucial in our relationship with our Savior and brings us closer to HIM.
What we can tell you about our time with these beautiful children of God is that if we don’t show and tell them about having a life of grace and abundance, who will? Bringing hope and healing to a child who has none is part of the mission of Chicktime San Antonio and we are so blessed to have volunteers every month who are not scared of the mission, but embrace it with us! We ended our time together with yummy food and a big group prayer. God is good!