Chicktime, Inc. is a 501 (c) (3) public charity.
Under the regulations set forth through our 501 (c) (3) and the United States Federal Government, individual chapters are NOT authorized to issue a tax deductible receipt for donations. Only donations processed through the Chicktime, Inc 501 (c) (3) qualify as a tax deductible donation. These receipts are issued from our National Headquarters on an annual basis and will be signed by our founder and CEO, Lori Rhodes. If any donor receives a receipt other than that supplied by Mrs. Rhodes, it is not authentic and we ask that you contact and we can assist you.
A bit more information:
**Chicktime has designed a unique system for raising money for your charity partners. We basically encourage individual chapters to raise ALL major funds directly through the charities you serve. For example, if you see a need for a new playground, ask the home you serve if this is something they are interested in. Then raise the money with ALL checks/funds written directly to the home, earmarked with Chicktime in the memo so that the money goes towards the collaborative projects you and the home have agreed to work on! Simple!
There are many benefits to this fundraising model:
One, the beauty of tying women in the community to charities Chicktime servers on a deeper (financial) level is indescribable. Where you treasure is, your heart will be also! By having your donors write their checks directly to the charity knits a NEW tie between the local community and charity your chapter serves. The new donor will now receive news updates from the charity and will be listed in their annual report as a friend and supporter of the charity… which is MUCH more powerful than Chicktime collecting the money and issuing just one check. Two, your chapter doesn’t have the headache of collecting the donations, filling out forms, sending them to Chicktime National, tracking and following up with the funds, and all of the paperwork that accompanies the processing of a 501 (c) (3) donation.
Remember, your charity partner has full time staff (or a staff member) that specializes in processing donations and they are HAPPY to do it!! We believe this is the best model for fundraising and highly encourage chapters to utilize this method.
With that said, individual chapters will occasionally have a need to process a large donation through the Chicktime, Inc. 501 (c) (3). We can make this happen but please be aware that strict regulations are in place by the IRS on how money is spent that comes into a 501 (c) (3). These donations are handled on an individual basis and all precautions are taken to ensure these large donations are tracked and spent for the intended purpose of the donor.
The concept is simple really. Individual Chicktime chapters do NOT exist to raise money. Chicktime chapters exist to encourage women to develop their passions and use their gifts to help the broken, the lonely, and the healing women and children in their local communities. The small amount of money it takes each month to provide a Chicktime program is easily manageable by the volunteer who has agreed to lead their workshop/activity… she or her husband may have to work a bit of overtime… ask her boss, a local business, family or friends to pitch in and donate supplies… but that is part of engaging the broader community… and makes the local chapter that much more effective. If you don’t believe it is possible… think again. The Canyon Lake chapter has faithfully provided monthly Chicktime events with New Life Children’s Center since 2007 and almost without exception, each monthly workshop/activity leader has provided all supplies needed for her activities without assistance from the local chapter!
Fundraising is covered in leader training. If you need a refresher, please contact Lori at