July News

July News

Apologies for the VERY later post but I came back from Guatemala with a bit of an upper respiratory infection caused by volcanic ash! But please join us at the EZs on Bitter Road, 734 W Bitters Rd, on July 30th at 7:00pm for a Discover Chicktime event! This is a great opportunity to bring your friends to learn about Chicktime as we gear up for the end of the year run and look into scheduling for next year!

Questions? Email hope@chicktime.com


June/July Highlights

Once again Chicktime Hope helped to support Globalife Journeys and their annual mission trip to Guatemala! Chicktime Hope members donated medical supplies and Amazon Gift Cards to buy more supplies for the women and children at the shelter we serve! The supplies went a long way to providing for physical well being as well as emotional well-being as we also did some work on the grounds. Thanks for all your support!!