2017 Leader Drive

It’s that time of year again!  🙂  Monthly leaders are needed to fill our Chicktime calendar through 2017. We are running a two week leader drive to fill up our volunteer events. The kids at Child Crisis Arizona depend on us and if we don’t have leaders, we can’t continue our work.  

Group event dates are listed below, and always need to be one hour long (6pm to 7pm). I have listed if we are with Middlers (4 years old – 7 years old), or Big Kids (8 years old – 12 years old), or both.

January 28 (Big Kids):                            Yoga with Amanda 
February 18 (Big Kids):                           Need to fill
March 25 (Big Kids):                                Need to fill  
April 29 (Middlers):                                  Need to fill  
May 20 (Big Kids & Middlers):               Chicks with Picks music night
June 17 (Big Kids):                                   Need to fill  
July 22 (Big Kids):                                     Need to fill 
August 19: (Big Kids):                               Need to fill 
September 23 (All Wings):                     Stacy & Cheryl, Pizza & Bingo
October 21 (Middlers & Big Kids):         Angie & Jesi – Harvest Festival
November 18 (Middlers & Big Kids):     Need to fill 
December :                                                Book drive only – no group events.

Monthly Leader Duties: Each monthly leader identifies her gift (Yes, you have one.!) … something she loves to do… her vocation, her hobby, or just something she thinks would be fun for the kids. Then create a way to teach that skill or passion to the children. The leader is responsible for developing her program, and supplying needed materials (but be sure to ask me if you need help with supplies – we have lots of extra items on hand from past events!). If you have been a leader before, you can always repeat your event too. Remember, the children that you taught / played with before, likely won’t be the same children when we go back. So it will be brand new! 🙂

If we get an overwhelming response of more leaders than we have dates listed – not to worry! Our intention is to be able to one day run events for both the Middlers and Big Kids on our scheduled dates. We can always add more events if we have the volunteers to make it happen.

We have many new members, so I want to repeat what we have said in the past – We realize Chapter members won’t make it to all of the programs, and that is okay! Chicktime is guilt free and we all know how busy everyone gets! The goal is to have enough volunteers to make the events fabulous, and that typically just happens by grace! Also, the month you volunteer to lead is the only month you have to do any leg work, the other 10 months you just show up and have fun!

Can you believe Chicktime Mesa is on it’s 5th year of providing group events at the Center?  Thank you ladies for all you do and making this possible!  So grateful for all of you!  We are looking forward to a great 2017 and making a difference in the lives of the children that call Child Crisis Arizona home.

Stacy, Cheryl  and Jesi